The crosvm project is a hosted (a.k.a. type-2) virtual machine monitor similar to QEMU-KVM or VirtualBox.
It is a VMM that can run untrusted operating systems in a sandboxed environment. crosvm focuses on safety first and foremost, both in its language of choice (Rust) and through its runtime sandbox system. Each virtual device (disk, network, etc) is by default executed inside a minijail sandbox, isolated from the rest. In case of an exploit or vulnerability, this sandbox prevents an attacker from escaping and doing harmful things to the host operating system. On top of that, crosvm also relies on a syscall security policy that prevents unwanted system calls from being executed by a compromised device.
Initially it was intended to be used with KVM and Linux, but it now also supports other types of platforms.
To run crosvm all that is needed is an operating system image (a root file system plus a kernel) and crosvm will run it through the platform's hypervisor. See the example usage page to get started or visit the building crosvm section to compile your own from source.
- Announcements
- Developer Mailing List
- #crosvm on
- Source code
- GitHub mirror
- API documentation, useful for searching API.
- Files for this book are under /docs/.
- Public issue tracker
- For Googlers: See go/crosvm#filing-bugs.
Building Crosvm
This chapter describes how to build crosvm on each host OS:
Pre-requisite: install Rust.
If you are targeting ChromeOS, please see Integration.
Building Crosvm on Linux
This page describes how to build and develop crosvm on linux. If you are targeting ChromeOS, please see Integration
Checking out
Obtain the source code via git clone.
git clone
Setting up the development environment
Crosvm uses submodules to manage external dependencies. Initialize them via:
git submodule update --init
It is recommended to enable automatic recursive operations to keep the submodules in sync with the
main repository (but do not push them, as that can conflict with repo
git config submodule.recurse true
git config push.recurseSubmodules no
Crosvm development best works on Debian derivatives. We provide a script to install the necessary packages on Debian, Ubuntu or gLinux:
For other systems, please see below for instructions on Using the development container.
Using the development container
We provide a Debian container with the required packages installed. With Podman or Docker installed, it can be started with:
The container image is big and may take a while to download when first used. Once started, you can follow all instructions in this document within the container shell.
Instead of using the interactive shell, commands to execute can be provided directly:
./tools/dev_container cargo build
Note: The container and build artifacts are preserved between calls to ./tools/dev_container
. If
you wish to start fresh, use the --clean
Building a binary
If you simply want to try crosvm, run cargo build
. Then the executable is generated at
. In case you are using development container, the executable will be inside
the dev container at /scratch/cargo_target/debug/crosvm
Now you can move to Example Usage.
If you want to enable additional features, use the --features
flag. (e.g. cargo build --features=gdb
Running all tests
Crosvm's integration tests have special requirements for execution (see Testing), so we use a special test runner. By default it will only execute unit tests:
To execute integration tests as well, you need to specify a device-under-test (DUT). The most reliable option is to use the built-in VM for testing:
./tools/run_tests --dut=vm
However, you can also use your local host directly. Your mileage may vary depending on your host kernel version and permissions.
./tools/run_tests --dut=host
Since we have some architecture-dependent code, we also have the option of running unit tests for aarch64, armhf, riscv64, and windows (mingw64). These will use an emulator to execute (QEMU or wine):
./tools/run_tests --platform=aarch64
./tools/run_tests --platform=armhf
./tools/run_tests --platform=riscv64
./tools/run_tests --platform=mingw64
When working on a machine that does not support cross-compilation (e.g. gLinux), you can use the dev container to build and run the tests.
./tools/dev_container ./tools/run_tests --platform=aarch64
Presubmit checks
To verify changes before submitting, use the presubmit
script. To ensure the toolchains for all
platforms are available, it is recommended to run it inside the dev container.
./tools/dev_container ./tools/presubmit
This will run clippy, formatters and runs all tests for all platforms. The same checks will also be
run by our CI system before changes are merged into main
See tools/presumit -h
for details on various options for selecting which checks should be run to
trade off speed and accuracy.
Crosvm is built and tested on x86, aarch64, armhf, and riscv64. Your system needs some setup work to be able to cross-compile for other architectures, hence it is recommended to use the development container, which will have everything configured.
Note: Cross-compilation is not supported on gLinux. Please use the development container.
Enable foreign architectures
Your host needs to be set up to allow installation of foreign architecture packages.
On Debian this is as easy as:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64
sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
sudo dpkg --add-architecture riscv64
sudo apt update
On ubuntu this is a little harder and needs some manual modifications of APT sources.
With that enabled, the following scripts will install the needed packages:
Configuring wine and mingw64
Crosvm is also compiled and tested on windows. Some limited testing can be done with mingw64 and wine on linux machines. Use the provided setup script to install the needed dependencies.
Configure cargo for cross-compilation
Cargo requries additional configuration to support cross-compilation. You can copy the provided example config to your cargo configuration:
cat .cargo/config.debian.toml >> ${CARGO_HOME:-~/.cargo}/config.toml
In case of cross-compilation, crosvm executable would be at ./target/debug/<target>/crosvm
. If
cross-compiling inside development container, the executable would be inside dev container at
e.g For aarch64, target
will be aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
and you can build using
cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
Known issues
- Devices can't be jailed if
doesn't exist.sudo mkdir -p /var/empty
to work around this for now. - You need read/write permissions for
to run tests or other crosvm instances. Usually it's owned by thekvm
group, sosudo usermod -a -G kvm $USER
and then log out and back in again to fix this. - Some other features (networking) require
so those usually need to be run as root.
Building Crosvm on Windows
This page describes how to build and develop crosvm on windows. If you are targeting linux, please see Building Crosvm on linux
NOTE: Following instruction assume that
- git is installed and
command exists in yourEnv:PATH
- the commands are run in powershell
Create base directory - C:\src
mkdir C:\src
cd C:\src
Checking out
Obtain the source code via git clone.
git clone
Setting up the development environment
Crosvm uses submodules to manage external dependencies. Initialize them via:
cd crosvm
git submodule update --init
It is recommended to enable automatic recursive operations to keep the submodules in sync with the
main repository (But do not push them, as that can conflict with repo
git config submodule.recurse true
git config push.recurseSubmodules no
install the necessary tools needed to build crosvm on windows. In addition to
installing the scripts, the script also sets up environment variables.
The below script may prompt you to install msvc toolchain via Visual Studio community edition.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
NOTE: Above step sets up enviroment variables. You may need to either start a new powershell session or reload the environemnt variables,
Build crosvm
cargo build --features all-msvc64,whpx
Running Crosvm
This chapter includes instructions on how to run crosvm.
- Example Usage: Functioning examples to get started.
- Advanced Usage: Details on how to enable and configure features and devices of crosvm.
- Custom Kernel / Rootfs: Instructions on how to build a kernel and rootfs for crosvm.
- Options and Configuration Files: How to specify command-line options and use configuration files
- System Requirements: Host and guest requirements for running crosvm
- Features: Feature flags available when building crosvm
Example Usage
This section will explain how to use a prebuilt Ubuntu image as the guest OS. If you want to prepare a kernel and rootfs by yourself, please see Custom Kernel / Rootfs.
The example code for this guide is available in tools/examples
Run a simple Guest OS (using virt-builder)
To run a VM with crosvm, we need two things: A kernel binary and a rootfs. You can build those yourself or use prebuilt cloud/vm images that some linux distributions provide.
Preparing the guest OS image
One of the more convenient ways to customize these VM images is to use virt-builder from the
# Build a simple ubuntu image and create a user with no password.
virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 \
--run-command "useradd -m -g sudo -p '' $USER ; chage -d 0 $USER" \
-o ./rootfs
# Packages can be pre-installed to the image using
# --install PACKAGE_NAME
# Ex: virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 ... --install openssh-server,ncat
# In this example, the ubuntu image will come pre-installed with OpenSSH-server and with Ncat.
Extract the Kernel (And initrd)
Crosvm directly runs the kernel instead of using the bootloader. So we need to extract the kernel binary from the image. virt-builder has a tool for that:
virt-builder --get-kernel ./rootfs -o .
The kernel binary is going to be saved in the same directory.
Note: Most distributions use an init ramdisk, which is extracted at the same time and needs to be passed to crosvm as well.
Add the user to the kvm group
To run crosvm without sudo
, the user should be added to the kvm
group in order to obtain the
access to the /dev/kvm
file. If the user is already in the kvm group, skip this part. Otherwise,
execute the command below.
sudo adduser "$USER" kvm
You can check if the user is in the kvm group or not with the following command:
groups | grep kvm
After executing the adduser
command above, please logout and log back in to reflect the kvm group.
Launch the VM
With all the files in place, crosvm can be run:
# Create `/var/empty` where crosvm can do chroot for jailing each virtio device.
# Devices can't be jailed if /var/empty doesn't exist.
# You can change this directory(/var/empty) by setting the environment variable: DEFAULT_PIVOT_ROOT
sudo mkdir -p /var/empty
# Run crosvm.
# The rootfs is an image of a partitioned hard drive, so we need to tell
# the kernel which partition to use (vda5 in case of ubuntu-20.04).
cargo run --no-default-features -- run \
--rwdisk ./rootfs \
--initrd ./initrd.img-* \
-p "root=/dev/vda5" \
The full source for this example can be executed directly:
The login username will be the username on the host, and it will prompt to decide the password on the first login in the VM.
Add Networking Support
Networking support is easiest set up with a TAP device on the host, which can be done with:
The script will create a TAP device called crosvm_tap
and sets up routing. For details, see the
instructions for network devices.
With the crosvm_tap
in place we can use it when running crosvm:
# Use the previously configured crosvm_tap device for networking.
cargo run -- run \
--rwdisk ./rootfs \
--initrd ./initrd.img-* \
--net tap-name=crosvm_tap \
-p "root=/dev/vda5" \
To use the network device in the guest, we need to assign it a static IP address. In our example guest this can be done via a netplan config:
First, create a guest directory and the netplan config:
mkdir guest/
touch guest/01-netcfg.yaml
Then edit guest/01-netcfg.yaml and add the following contents:
# Configure network with static IP
version: 2
renderer: networkd
addresses: []
addresses: []
The netplan config can be installed when building the VM image:
# Create user with no password.
--run-command "useradd -m -g sudo -p '' $USER ; chage -d 0 $USER"
# Configure network via netplan config in 01-netcfg.yaml
--hostname crosvm-test
# $SRC=/path/to/crosvm
--copy-in "$SRC/guest/01-netcfg.yaml:/etc/netplan/"
# Install sshd.
--install openssh-server
-o rootfs
# Inject authorized key for the user.
# If the SSH RSA public key file is missing, you will need to login to
# the VM the first time and change passwords before you can login via SSH.
if [ -r "${ID_RSA_PUB}" ]; then
builder_args+=("--ssh-inject" "${USER}:file:${ID_RSA_PUB}")
virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 "${builder_args[@]}"
This also allows us to use SSH to access the VM. The script above will install your
into the VM, so you'll be able to SSH from the host to the guest with no
WARNING: If you are on a gLinux machine, then you will need to disable Corp SSH Helper:
ssh -oProxyCommand=none
The full source for this example can be executed directly:
Add GUI support
First you'll want to add some desktop environment to the VM image:
# Create user with no password.
--run-command "useradd -m -g sudo -p '' $USER ; chage -d 0 $USER"
# Configure network. See ./example_network
--hostname crosvm-test
--copy-in "$SRC/guest/01-netcfg.yaml:/etc/netplan/"
# Install a desktop environment to launch
--install xfce4
-o rootfs
virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 "${builder_args[@]}"
Then you can use the --gpu
argument to specify how gpu output of the VM should be handled. In this
example we are using the virglrenderer backend and output into an X11 window on the host.
# Enable the GPU and keyboard/mouse input. Since this will be a much heavier
# system to run we also need to increase the cpu/memory given to the VM.
# Note: GDM does not allow you to set your password on first login, you have to
# log in on the command line first to set a password.
cargo run --features=gpu,x,virgl_renderer -- run \
--cpus 4 \
--mem 4096 \
--gpu backend=virglrenderer,width=1920,height=1080 \
--display-window-keyboard \
--display-window-mouse \
--net tap-name=crosvm_tap \
--rwdisk ./rootfs \
--initrd ./initrd.img-* \
-p "root=/dev/vda5" \
The full source for this example can be executed directly (Note, you may want to run setup_networking first):
Advanced Usage
To see the usage information for your version of crosvm, run crosvm
or crosvm run --help
Specify log levels
To change the log levels printed while running crosvm:
crosvm --log-level=LEVEL run
crosvm --log-level=debug run
To change the log levels printed for a specific module:
crosvm --log-level=devices::usb::xhci=LEVEL run
Those can be combined to print different log levels for modules and for crosvm:
crosvm --log-level=devices::usb::xhci=LEVEL1,LEVEL2 run
Where LEVEL1 will be applied to the module "devices::usb::xhci" and LEVEL2 will be applied to the rest of crosvm.
Available LEVELs: off, error, warn, info (default), debug, trace (only available in debug builds).
Note: Logs will print all logs of the same or lower level. Ex: info will print error + warn + info.
Boot a Kernel
To run a very basic VM with just a kernel and default devices:
crosvm run "${KERNEL_PATH}"
The compressed kernel image, also known as bzImage, can be found in your kernel build directory in
the case of x86 at arch/x86/boot/bzImage
With a disk image
In most cases, you will want to give the VM a virtual block device to use as a root file system:
crosvm run -b "${ROOT_IMAGE},root,ro" "${KERNEL_PATH}"
The root image must be a path to a disk image formatted in a way that the kernel can read. Typically
this is a squashfs image made with mksquashfs
or an ext4 image made with mkfs.ext4
. By
specifying the root
flag, the kernel is automatically told to use that image as the root, and
therefore it can only be given once. The ro
flag also makes the disk image read-only for the
guest. More disks images can be given with -b
or --block
if needed.
To run crosvm with a writable rootfs, just remove the ro
flag from the command-line above.
WARNING: Writable disks are at risk of corruption by a malicious or malfunctioning guest OS.
Without the root
flag, mounting a disk image as the root filesystem requires to pass the
corresponding kernel argument manually using the -p
crosvm run --block "${ROOT_IMAGE}" -p "root=/dev/vda" bzImage
NOTE: If more disks arguments are added prior to the desired rootfs image, the
must be adjusted to the appropriate letter.
With virtiofs
Linux kernel 5.4+ is required for using virtiofs. This is convenient for testing. Note kernels before 5.15 require the file system to be named "mtd*" or "ubi*". See discussions and a patch for the details.
crosvm run --shared-dir "/:mtdfake:type=fs:cache=always" \
-p "rootfstype=virtiofs root=mtdfake" bzImage
Device emulation
Crosvm supports several emulated devices and 15+ types of virtio devices. See "Device" chapter for the details.
Control Socket
If the control socket was enabled with -s
, the main process can be controlled while crosvm is
running. To tell crosvm to stop and exit, for example:
NOTE: If the socket path given is for a directory, a socket name underneath that path will be generated based on crosvm's PID.
crosvm run -s /run/crosvm.sock ${USUAL_CROSVM_ARGS}
<in another shell>
crosvm stop /run/crosvm.sock
WARNING: The guest OS will not be notified or gracefully shutdown.
This will cause the original crosvm process to exit in an orderly fashion, allowing it to clean up any OS resources that might have stuck around if crosvm were terminated early.
Multiprocess Mode
By default crosvm runs in multiprocess mode. Each device that supports running inside of a sandbox
will run in a jailed child process of crosvm. The sandbox can be disabled for testing with the
GDB Support
crosvm supports GDB Remote Serial Protocol to allow developers to debug guest kernel via GDB (x86_64 or AArch64 only).
You can enable the feature by --gdb
# Use uncompressed vmlinux
crosvm run --gdb <port> ${USUAL_CROSVM_ARGS} vmlinux
Then, you can start GDB in another shell.
gdb vmlinux
(gdb) target remote :<port>
(gdb) hbreak start_kernel
(gdb) c
<start booting in the other shell>
For general techniques for debugging the Linux kernel via GDB, see this kernel documentation.
The following are crosvm's default arguments and how to override them.
- 256MB of memory (set with
) - 1 virtual CPU (set with
) - no block devices (set with
) - no network device (set with
) - only the kernel arguments necessary to run with the supported devices (add more with
) - run in multiprocess mode (run in single process mode with
) - no control socket (set with
Exit code
Crosvm will exit with a non-zero exit code on failure.
See CommandStatus for meaning of the major exit codes.
The default hypervisor back can be overriden using --hypervisor=<backend>
The available backends are:
- On Linux: "kvm"
- On Windows: "whpx", "haxm", "ghaxm", "gvm"
See the "Hypervisors" chapter for more information.
Custom Kernel / Rootfs
This document explains how to build a custom kernel and use debootstrap to build a rootfs for running crosvm.
For an easier way to get started with prebuilt images, see Example Usage
Build a kernel
The linux kernel in chromiumos comes preconfigured for running in a crosvm guest and is the easiest to build. You can use any mainline kernel though as long as it's configured for para-virtualized (virtio) devices
If you are using the chroot for ChromiumOS development, you already have the kernel source. Otherwise, you can clone it:
git clone --depth 1 -b chromeos-6.6
Either way that you get the kernel, the next steps are to configure and build the bzImage:
cd kernel
CHROMEOS_KERNEL_FAMILY=termina ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig container-vm-x86_64
make olddefconfig
make -j$(nproc) bzImage
This kernel does not build any modules, nor does it support loading them, so there is no need to worry about an initramfs, although they are supported in crosvm.
Build a rootfs disk
This stage enjoys the most flexibility. There aren't any special requirements for a rootfs in
crosvm, but you will at a minimum need an init binary. This could even be /bin/bash
if that is
enough for your purposes. To get you started, a Debian rootfs can be created with debootstrap.
Make sure to define $CHROOT_PATH
truncate -s 20G debian.ext4
mkfs.ext4 debian.ext4
mkdir -p "${CHROOT_PATH}"
sudo mount debian.ext4 "${CHROOT_PATH}"
sudo debootstrap stable "${CHROOT_PATH}"
sudo chroot "${CHROOT_PATH}"
echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "tmpfs /root tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
sudo umount "${CHROOT_PATH}"
Note: If you run crosvm on a testing device (e.g. Chromebook in Developer mode), another option is to share the host's rootfs with the guest via virtiofs. See the virtiofs usage.
You can simply create a disk image as follows:
fallocate --length 4G disk.img
mkfs.ext4 ./disk.img
Command line options and configuration files
It is possible to configure a VM through command-line options and/or a JSON configuration file.
The names and format of configurations options are consistent between both ways of specifying, however the command-line includes options that are deprecated or unstable, whereas the configuration file only allows stable options. This section reviews how to use both.
Command-line options
Command-line options generally take a set of key-value pairs separated by the comma (,
) character.
The acceptable key-values for each option can be obtained by passing the --help
option to a crosvm
crosvm run --help
-b, --block parameters for setting up a block device.
Valid keys:
path=PATH - Path to the disk image. Can be specified
without the key as the first argument.
ro=BOOL - Whether the block should be read-only.
(default: false)
root=BOOL - Whether the block device should be mounted
as the root filesystem. This will add the required
parameters to the kernel command-line. Can only be
specified once. (default: false)
sparse=BOOL - Indicates whether the disk should support
the discard operation. (default: true)
block-size=BYTES - Set the reported block size of the
disk. (default: 512)
id=STRING - Set the block device identifier to an ASCII
string, up to 20 characters. (default: no ID)
direct=BOOL - Use O_DIRECT mode to bypass page cache.
(default: false)
From this help message, we see that the --block
or -b
option accepts the path
, ro
, root
, block-size
, id
, and direct
keys. Keys which default value is mentioned are optional,
which means only the path
key must always be specified.
One example invocation of the --block
option could be:
--block path=/path/to/bzImage,root=true,block-size=4096
Keys taking a boolean parameters can be enabled by specifying their name witout any value, so the previous option can also be written as
--block path=/path/to/bzImage,root,block-size=4096
Also, the name of the first key can be entirely omitted, which further simplifies our option as:
--block /path/to/bzImage,root,block-size=4096
Configuration files
Configuration files are specified using the --cfg
argument. Here is an example configuration file
specifying a basic VM with a few devices:
"kernel": "/path/to/bzImage",
"cpus": {
"num-cores": 8
"mem": {
"size": 2048
"block": [
"path": "/path/to/root.img",
"root": true
"serial": [
"type": "stdout",
"hardware": "virtio-console",
"console": true,
"stdin": true
"net": [
"tap-name": "crosvm_tap"
The equivalent command-line options corresponding to this configuration file would be:
--kernel path/to/bzImage \
--cpus num-cores=8 --mem size=2048 \
--block path=/path/to/root.img,root \
--serial type=stdout,hardware=virtio-console,console,stdin \
--net tap-name=crosvm_tap
Or, if we apply the simplification rules discussed in the previous section:
--kernel /path/to/bzImage \
--cpus 8 --mem 2048 \
--block /path/to/root.img,root \
--serial stdout,hardware=virtio-console,console,stdin \
--net tap-name=crosvm_tap
Note that so cfg
directive can also be used within configuration files, allowing a form of
configuration inclusion:
"cfg": [ "net.json", "gpu.json" ],
Included files are always applied first. So in this example, the net.json
is the base
configuration to which gpu.json
is applied, and finally the parent file that included these two.
This order does not matter if each file specifies different options, but in case of overlap
parameters from the parent will take precedence over included ones, regardless of where the cfg
directive appears in the file.
Combining configuration files and command-line options
One useful use of configuration files is to specify a base configuration that can be augmented or modified by other configuration files or command-line arguments.
All the configuration files specified with --cfg
are merged by order of appearance into a single
configuration. The merge rules are generally that arguments that can only be specified once are
overwritten by the newest configuration, while arguments that can be specified many times (like
devices) are extended.
Finally, the other command-line parameters are merged into the configuration, regardless of their
position relative to a --cfg
argument (i.e. even if they come before it). This means that
command-line arguments take precedence over anything in configuration files.
For instance, considering this configuration file vm.json
"kernel": "/path/to/bzImage",
"block": [
"path": "/path/to/root.img",
"root": true
And the following crosvm invocation:
crosvm run --cfg vm.json --block /path/to/home.img
Then the created VM will have two block devices, the first one pointing to root.img
and the second
one to home.img
For options that can be specified only once, like --kernel
, the one specified on the command-line
will take precedence over the one in the configuration file. For instance, with the same vm.json
file and the following command-line:
crosvm run --cfg vm.json --kernel /path/to/another/bzImage
Then the loaded kernel will be /path/to/another/bzImage
, and the kernel
option in the
configuration file will become a no-op.
System Requirements
A Linux 4.14 or newer kernel with KVM support (check for /dev/kvm
) is required to run crosvm. In
order to run certain devices, there are additional system requirements:
- A Wayland compositor.vsock
- Host Linux kernel with vhost-vsock support.multiprocess
- Host Linux kernel with seccomp-bpf and Linux namespacing support.virtio-net
- Host Linux kernel with TUN/TAP support (check for/dev/net/tun
) and running withCAP_NET_ADMIN
Feature flags of the crosvm
crate control which features are included in the binary. These
features can be enabled using Cargo's --features
flag. Some features are enabled by default unless
the Cargo --no-default-features
flag is specified. See the crosvm
crate documentation for
Programmatic Interaction Using the crosvm_control
provides a programmatic way to interface with crosvm as a substitute to the CLI.
The library itself is written in Rust, but a C/C++ compatible header (crosvm_control.h
) is
generated during the crosvm build and emitted to the Rust OUT_DIR
(See the
script for more information).
The best practice for using crosvm_control
from your project is to exclusively use the
generated by the crosvm build. This ensures that there will never be a runtime
version mismatch between your project and crosvm. Additionally, this will allow for build-time
checks against the crosvm API.
During your project's build step, when building the crosvm dependency, the emitted
should be installed to your project's include dir - overwriting the old version
if present.
As crosvm_control
is a externally facing interface to crosvm, great care must be taken when
updating the API surface. Any breaking change to a crosvm_control
entrypoint must be handled the
same way as a breaking change to the crosvm CLI.
As a general rule, additive changes (such as adding new fields to the end of a struct, or adding a
new API) are fine and should be integrated correctly with downstream projects so long as those
projects follow the usage best practices. Changes that change the signature of any existing
function will cause problems downstream and should be considered a breaking change.
(ChromeOS Developers Only)
For ChromeOS, it is possible to integrate a breaking change from upstream crosvm, but it should be avoided if at all possible. See here for more information.
Crosvm runs on a variety of platforms with a significant amount of platform-specific code. Testing on all the supported platforms is crucial to keep crosvm healthy.
Types of tests
Unit Tests
Unit tests are your standard rust tests embedded with the rest of the code in src/
and wrapped in
a #[cfg(test)]
Unit tests cannot make any guarantees on the runtime environment. Avoid doing the following in unit tests:
- Avoid kernel features such as io_uring or userfaultfd, which may not be available on all kernels.
- Avoid functionality that requires privileges (e.g. CAP_NET_ADMIN)
- Avoid spawning threads or processes
- Avoid accessing kernel devices
- Avoid global state in unit tests
This allows us to execute unit tests for any platform using emulators such as qemu-user-static or wine64.
File Access in Unit Tests
Some unit tests may need to access extra data files. The files should be accessed at build time
using include_str!()
macro, rather than at run time. The file is located relative to the current
file (similarly to how modules are found). The contents of the file can be used directly in the test
or at runtime the test can write this data to a temporary file. This approach is crucial because
certain test environment may require to run the test binaries directly without access to the source
code. Additionally, it ensures the test binary can be run manually within a debugger like GDB.
These approaches ensure that units tests be able to find the correct paths in various build & execution environment.
Documentation tests
Rust's documentation tests can be used to provide examples as part of the documentation that is verified by CI.
Documentation tests are slow and not run as part of the usual workflows, but can be run locally with:
./tools/presubmit doc_tests
Integration tests
Cargo has native support for
integration testing.
Integration tests are written just like unit tests, but live in a separate directory at tests/
Integration tests guarantee that the test has privileged access to the test environment. They are only executed when a device-under-test (DUT) is specified when running tests:
./tools/run_tests --dut=vm|host
End To End (E2E) tests
End to end tests live in the e2e_tests
crate. The crate provides a framework to boot a guest with
crosvm and execut commands in the guest to validate functionality at a high level.
E2E tests are executed just like integration tests. By giving nextest's filter expressions, you can run a subset of the tests.
# Run all e2e tests
./tools/run_tests --dut=vm --filter-expr 'package(e2e_tests)'
# Run e2e tests whose name contains the string 'boot'.
./tools/run_tests --dut=vm --filter-expr 'package(e2e_tests) and test(boot)'
Downstream Product tests
Each downstream product that uses crosvm is performing their own testing, e.g. ChromeOS is running high level testing of its VM features on ChromeOS hardware, while AOSP is running testing of their VM features on AOSP hardware.
Upstream crosvm is not involved in these tests and they are not executed in crosvm CI.
Parallel test execution
Crosvm tests are executed in parallel, each test case in its own process via cargo nextest.
This requires tests to be cautious about global state, especially integration tests which interact with system devices.
If you require exclusive access to a device or file, you have to use file-based locking to prevent access by other test processes.
Platforms tested
The platforms below can all be tested using tools/run_tests -p $platform
. The table indicates how
these tests are executed:
Platform | Build | Unit Tests | Integration Tests | E2E Tests |
x86_64 (linux) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
aarch64 (linux) | ✅ | ✅ (qemu-user1) | ✅ (qemu2) | ❌ |
armhf (linux) | ✅ | ✅ (qemu-user1) | ❌ | ❌ |
mingw643 (linux) | 🚧 | 🚧 (wine64) | ❌ | ❌ |
mingw643 (windows) | 🚧 | 🚧 | 🚧 | ❌ |
Crosvm CI will use the same configuration as tools/run_tests
Debugging Tips
Here are some tips for developing or/and debugging crosvm tests.
Enter a test VM to see logs
When you run a test on a VM with ./tools/run_tests --dut=vm
, if the test fails, you'll see
extracted log messages. To see the full messages or monitor the test process during the runtime, you
may want to enter the test VM.
First, enter the VM's shell and start printing the syslog:
$ ./tools/dev_container # Enter the dev_container
$ ./tools/x86vm shell # Enter the test VM
crosvm@testvm-x8664:~$ journalctl -f
# syslog messages will be printed...
Then, open another terminal and run a test:
$ ./tools/run_tests --dut=vm --filter-expr 'package(e2e_tests) and test(boot)'
So you'll see the crosvm log in the first terminal.
qemu-aarch64-static or qemu-arm-static translate instructions into x86 and executes them on the host kernel. This works well for unit tests, but will fail when interacting with platform specific kernel features.
run_tests will launch a VM for testing in the background. This VM is using full system emulation, which causes tests to be slow. Also not all aarch64 features are properly emulated, which prevents us from running e2e tests.
Windows builds of crosvm are a work in progress. Some tests are executed via wine64 on linux
Crosvm contains several fuzz testing programs that are intended to exercise specific subsets of the code with automatically generated inputs to help uncover bugs that were not found by human-written unit tests.
The source code for the fuzzer target programs can be found in fuzz/fuzz_targets
in the crosvm
source tree.
Crosvm makes use of the OSS-Fuzz service, which automatically builds and runs fuzzers for many open source projects. Once a crosvm change is committed and pushed to the main branch, it will be tested automatically by ClusterFuzz, and if new issues are found, a bug will be filed.
Running fuzzers locally
It can be useful to run a fuzzer in order to test new changes locally or to reproduce a bug filed by ClusterFuzz.
To build and run a specific fuzz target, install cargo fuzz
, then run it in the crosvm source
tree, specifying the desired fuzz target to run. If you have a testcase provided by the automated
fuzzing infrastructure in a bug report, you can add that file to the fuzzer command line to
reproduce the same fuzzer execution rather than using randomly generating inputs.
# Run virtqueue_fuzzer with randomly-generated input.
# This will run indefinitely; it can be stopped with Ctrl+C.
cargo +nightly fuzz run virtqueue_fuzzer
# Run virtqueue_fuzzer with a specific input file from ClusterFuzz.
cargo +nightly fuzz run virtqueue_fuzzer clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-...
This chapter describes emulated devices in crosvm. These devices work like hardware for the guest.
List of devices
Here is a (non-comprehensive) list of emulated devices provided by crosvm.
Emulated Devices
- Used to get the current calendar time.i8042
- Used by the guest kernel to exit crosvm.- usb - xhci emulation to provide USB device passthrough.
- x86 I/O port driven serial devices that print to stdout and take input from stdin.
VirtIO Devices
- Allows the host to reclaim the guest's memories.block
- Basic read/write block device.console
- Input and outputs on console.fs
- Shares file systems over the FUSE protocol.gpu
- Graphics adapter.input
- Creates virtual human interface devices such as keyboards.iommu
- Emulates an IOMMU device to manage DMA from endpoints in the
- Device to interface the host and guest networks.p9
- Shares file systems over the 9P protocol.pmem
- Persistent memory.rng
- Entropy source used to seed guest OS's entropy pool.scsi
- SCSI device.snd
- Encodes and decodes audio streams.tpm
- Creates a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) device backed by vTPM
- Allows the guest to leverage the host's video capabilities.wayland
- Allows the guest to use the host's Wayland socket.vsock
- Enables use of virtual sockets for the guest.vhost-user
- VirtIO devices which offloads the device implementation to another process through the vhost-user protocol:- vmm side: Shares its virtqueues.
- device side: Consumes virtqueues.
Device hotplug (experimental)
A hotplug-capable device can be added as a PCI device to the guest. To enable hotplug, compile
crosvm with feature flag pci-hotplug
cargo build --features=pci-hotplug #additional parameters
When starting the VM, specify the number of slots with --pci-hotplug-slots
option. Additionally,
specify a control socket specified with -s
option for sending hotplug commands.
For example, to run a VM with 3 PCI hotplug slots and control socket:
crosvm run \
-s ${VM_SOCKET} \
--pci-hotplug-slots 3
# usual crosvm args
Currently, only network devices are supported.
crosvm supports virtio-block device that works as a disk for the guest.
First, create a ext4 (or whatever file system you want) disk file.
fallocate -l 1G disk.img
mkfs.ext4 disk.img
Then, pass it with --block
flag so the disk will be exposed as /dev/vda
, /dev/vdb
, etc. The
device can be mounted with the mount
crosvm run \
--block disk.img
... # usual crosvm args
To expose the block device as a read-only disk, you can add the ro
flag after the disk image path:
crosvm run \
--block disk.img,ro
... # usual crosvm args
If you use a block device as guest's rootfs, you can add the root
flag to the --block
crosvm run \
--block disk.img,root
... # usual crosvm args
This flag automatically adds a root=/dev/vdX
kernel parameter with the corresponding virtio-block
device name and read-only (ro
) or read-write (rw
) option depending on whether the ro
flag has
also been specified or not.
The --block
parameter support additional options to enable features and control disk parameters.
These may be specified as extra comma-separated key=value
options appended to the required
filename option. For example:
crosvm run
--block disk.img,ro,sparse=false,o_direct=true,block_size=4096,id=MYSERIALNO
... # usual crosvm args
The available options are documented in the following sections.
- Syntax:
- Default:
The sparse
option controls whether the disk exposes the thin provisioning discard
command. If
is set to true
request will be available, and it will be
translated to the appropriate system call on the host disk image file (for example,
for raw disk images on Linux). If sparse
is set to false
, the
disk will be fully allocated at startup (using fallocate()
or equivalent on other platforms),
request will not be supported for this device.
- Syntax:
- Default:
The o_direct
option enables the Linux O_DIRECT
flag on the underlying disk image, indicating
that I/O should be sent directly to the backing storage device rather than using the host page
cache. This should only be used with raw disk images, not qcow2 or other formats. The block_size
option may need to be adjusted to ensure that I/O is sufficiently aligned for the host block device
and filesystem requirements.
Block size
- Syntax:
- Default:
The block_size
option overrides the reported block size (also known as sector size) of the
virtio-block device. This should be a power of two larger than or equal to 512.
- Syntax:
- Default: No identifier
The id
option provides the virtio-block device with a unique identifier. The DISK_ID
string must
be 20 or fewer ASCII printable characters. The id
may be used by the guest environment to uniquely
identify a specific block device rather than making assumptions about block device names.
The Linux virtio-block driver exposes the disk identifer in a sysfs
file named serial
; an
example path looks like /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/virtio1/block/vda/serial
(the PCI
address may differ depending on which other devices are enabled).
The crosvm block device supports run-time resizing. This can be accomplished by starting crosvm with
the -s
control socket, then using the crosvm disk
command to send a resize request:
crosvm disk resize DISK_INDEX NEW_SIZE VM_SOCKET
: 0-based index of the block device (counting all--block
in order).NEW_SIZE
: desired size of the disk image in bytes.VM_SOCKET
: path to the VM control socket specified when running crosvm (-s
For example:
# Create a 1 GiB disk image
truncate -s 1G disk.img
# Run crosvm with a control socket
crosvm run \
--block disk.img,sparse=false \
-s /tmp/crosvm.sock \
... # other crosvm args
# In another shell, extend the disk image to 2 GiB.
crosvm disk resize \
0 \
$((2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) \
# The guest OS should recognize the updated size and log a message:
# virtio_blk virtio1: [vda] new size: 4194304 512-byte logical blocks (2.15 GB/2.00 GiB)
The crosvm disk resize
command only resizes the block device and its backing disk image. It is the
responsibility of the VM socket user to perform any partition table or filesystem resize operations,
if required.
crosvm supports virtio-input devices that provide human input devices like multi-touch devices, trackpads, keyboards, and mice.
Events may be sent to the input device via a socket carrying virtio_input_event
structures. On
Unix-like platforms, this socket must be a UNIX domain socket in stream mode (AF_UNIX
). Typically this will be created by a separate program that listens and accepts a
connection on this socket and sends the desired events.
On Linux, it is also possible to grab an evdev
device and forward its events to the guest.
The general syntax of the input option is as follows:
For example, to create a 1920x1080 multi-touch device reading data from /tmp/multi-touch-socket
crosvm run \
--input multi-touch[path=/tmp/multi-touch-socket,width=1920,height=1080]
The available device types and their specific options are listed below.
Input device types
Linux only.
Passes an event device node into the VM. The device will be grabbed (unusable from the host) and made available to the guest with the same configuration it shows on the host.
(required): path toevdev
device, e.g./dev/input/event0
crosvm run \
--input evdev[path=/dev/input/event0] \
Add a keyboard virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socket
crosvm run \
--input keyboard[path=/tmp/keyboard-socket] \
Add a mouse virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socket
crosvm run \
--input mouse[path=/tmp/mouse-socket] \
Add a multi-touch touchscreen virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socketwidth
(optional): width of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1280)height
(optional): height of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1024)name
(optional): device name string
If width
and height
are not specified, the first multi-touch input device is sized to match the
GPU display size, if specified.
crosvm run \
--input multi-touch[path=/tmp/multi-touch-socket,width=1920,height=1080,name=mytouch2]
Add a rotating side button/wheel virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socket
crosvm run \
--input rotary[path=/tmp/rotary-socket] \
Add a single-touch touchscreen virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socketwidth
(optional): width of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1280)height
(optional): height of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1024)name
(optional): device name string
If width
and height
are not specified, the first single-touch input device is sized to match the
GPU display size, if specified.
crosvm run \
--input single-touch[path=/tmp/single-touch-socket,width=1920,height=1080,name=mytouch1]
Add a switches virtio-input device. Switches are often used for accessibility, such as with the Android Switch Access feature.
(required): path to event source socket
crosvm run \
--input switches[path=/tmp/switches-socket] \
Add a trackpad virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socketwidth
(optional): width of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1280)height
(optional): height of the touchscreen in pixels (default: 1024)name
(optional): device name string
crosvm run \
--input trackpad[path=/tmp/trackpad-socket,width=1920,height=1080,name=mytouch1]
Add a custom virtio-input device.
(required): path to event source socketconfig-path
(required): path to file configuring device
crosvm run \
--input custom[path=/tmp/keyboard-socket,config-path=/tmp/custom-keyboard-config.json] \
This config_path requires a JSON-formatted configuration file. "events" configures the supported events. "name" defines the customized device name, "serial" defines customized serial name, "properties" defines the device properties and "axis_info" defines the axis information.
An example configuration file covering all property types can be found in
It configures a device equivalent to the default multitouch screen device
(crosvm run --input=multi-touch,...
). Another example can be found in
which configures a device equivalent to the default keyboard (crosvm run --input=keyboard,...
Here is a portion of the example config file:
"name": "Crosvm Virtio Multitouch Touchscreen 0",
"serial_name": "virtio-touchscreen-0",
"properties": {"INPUT_PROP_DIRECT": 1},
"events": [
"event_type": "EV_KEY",
"event_type_code": 1,
"supported_events": {
"BTN_TOUCH": 330
}, {
"axis_info": [
"axis": "ABS_MT_SLOT",
"axis_code": 47,
"min": 0,
"max": 10,
"fuzz": 0,
"flat": 0
}, {
Host TAP configuration
The most convenient way to provide a network device to a guest is to setup a persistent TAP interface on the host. This section will explain how to do this for basic IPv4 connectivity.
sudo ip tuntap add mode tap user $USER vnet_hdr crosvm_tap
sudo ip addr add dev crosvm_tap
sudo ip link set crosvm_tap up
These commands create a TAP interface named crosvm_tap
that is accessible to the current user,
configure the host to use the IP address
, and bring the interface up.
The next step is to make sure that traffic from/to this interface is properly routed:
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
# Network interface used to connect to the internet.
HOST_DEV=$(ip route get | awk -- '{printf $5}')
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "${HOST_DEV}" -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i "${HOST_DEV}" -o crosvm_tap -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i crosvm_tap -o "${HOST_DEV}" -j ACCEPT
Start crosvm with network
The interface is now configured and can be used by crosvm:
crosvm run \
--net tap-name=crosvm_tap \
Configure network in host
Provided the guest kernel had support for VIRTIO_NET
, the network device should be visible and
configurable from the guest.
# Replace with the actual network interface name of the guest
# (use "ip addr" to list the interfaces)
sudo ip addr add dev "${GUEST_DEV}"
sudo ip link set "${GUEST_DEV}" up
sudo ip route add default via
# "" is chosen arbitrarily as a default, please replace with your local (or preferred global)
# DNS provider, which should be visible in `/etc/resolv.conf` on the host.
echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf
These commands assign IP address
to the guest, activate the interface, and route all
network traffic to the host. The last line also ensures DNS will work.
Please refer to your distribution's documentation for instructions on how to make these settings persistent for the host and guest if desired.
Device hotplug (experimental)
On a hotplug-enabled VM, a TAP device can be hotplugged
using the virtio-net
crosvm virtio-net add crosvm_tap ${VM_SOCKET}
Upon success, crosvm virtio_net
will report the PCI bus number the device is plugged into:
[[time redacted] INFO crosvm] Tap device crosvm_tap plugged to PCI bus 3
The hotplugged device can then be configured inside the guest OS similar to a statically configured
device. (Replace ${GUEST_DEV}
with the hotplugged device, e.g.: enp3s0
Due to sandboxing, crosvm do not have CAP_NET_ADMIN even if crosvm is started using sudo. Therefore, hotplug only accepts a persistent TAP device owned by the user running crosvm, unless sandboxing is disabled.
The device can be removed from the guest using the PCI bus number:
crosvm virtio-net remove 3 ${VM_SOCKET}
crosvm supports virtio-balloon for managing guest memory.
How to control the balloon size
When running a VM, specify VM_SOCKET
with -s
option. (example: /run/crosvm.sock
crosvm run \
# usual crosvm args
Then, open another terminal and specify the balloon size in bytes with crosvm balloon
crosvm balloon 4096 ${CROSVM_SOCKET}
Note: The size of balloon is managed in 4096 bytes units. The specified value will be rounded down to a multiple of 4096 bytes.
You can confirm the balloon size with crosvm balloon_stats
crosvm balloon_stats ${CROSVM_SOCKET}
SCSI (experimental)
crosvm supports virtio-scsi devices that work as block devices for the guest.
The step for setting up a block device is similar to the virtio-blk device. After setting up the
block device, pass it with --scsi-block
flag so the disk will be exposed as /dev/sda
, etc. The device can be mounted with the mount
crosvm run \
--scsi-block disk.img
... # usual crosvm args
Flags & Options
The --scsi-block
parameter supports additional options and flags to enable features and control
disk parameters.
To expose the scsi device as a read-only disk, you can add the ro
flag after the disk image path:
crosvm run \
--scsi-block disk.img,ro
... # usual crosvm args
If you use a scsi device as guest's rootfs, you can add the root
flag to the --scsi-block
crosvm run \
--scsi-block disk.img,root
... # usual crosvm args
This flag automatically adds a root=/dev/sdX
kernel parameter with the corresponding virtio-scsi
device name and read-only (ro
) or read-write (rw
) option depending on whether the ro
flag has
also been specified or not.
Block size
- Syntax:
- Default:
The block_size
option overrides the reported block size (also known as sector size) of the
virtio-scsi device. This should be a power of two larger than or equal to 512.
Crosvm supports
a shared file system that lets virtual machines access a directory tree on the host. It allows the
guest to access files on the host machine. This section will explain how to create a shared
directory. You can also find a runnable sample in tools/examples/example_fs
Creating a Shared Directory on the Host Machine
To create a shared directory, run the following commands in the host machine:
mkdir host_shared_dir
crosvm run \
--shared-dir "$HOST_SHARED_DIR:my_shared_tag:type=fs" \
... # usual crosvm args
In the --shared-dir
- The first field is the directory to be shared (
in this example). - The second field is the tag that the VM will use to identify the device (
in this example). - The remaining fields are key-value pairs configuring the shared directory.
To see available options, run crosvm run --help
Mount the Shared Directory in the Guest OS
Next, switch to the guest OS and run the following commands to set up the shared directory:
sudo su
mkdir /tmp/guest_shared_dir
mount -t virtiofs my_shared_tag /tmp/guest_shared_dir
You can now add files to the shared directory. Any files you put in the guest_shared_dir
appear in the host_shared_dir
on the host machine, and vice versa.
Running VirtioFS as root filesystem
It is also possible to boot crosvm directly from a virtio-fs directory, as long as the directory structure matches that of a valid rootfs. The outcome is similar to running a chroot but inside a VM.
Running VMs with virtio-fs as root filesystem may not be ideal as performance will not be as good as running a root disk with virtio-block, but it can be useful to run tests and debug while sharing files between host and guest.
You can refer to the advanced usage page for the instructions on how to run virtio-fs as rootfs.
Vsock device
crosvm supports virtio-vsock device for communication between the host and a guest VM.
Assign a context id to a guest VM by passing it with the --vsock
crosvm run \
--vsock "${GUEST_CID}" \
<usual crosvm arguments>
Then, the guest and the host can communicate with each other via vsock. Host always has 2 as its context id.
crosvm assumes that the host has a vsock device at /dev/vhost-vsock
. If you want to use a device
at a different path or one given as an fd, you can use --vhost-vsock-device
flag or
flag respectively.
Example usage
This example assumes ncat
is installed. If you are using a VM image created using virt-builder
it needs to come pre-installed with ncat
. This can be achieved by running the following command:
# Build a simple ubuntu image and create a user with no password.
virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 \
--run-command "useradd -m -g sudo -p '' $USER ; chage -d 0 $USER" \
-o ./rootfs \
--install ncat
At host shell:
# Listen at host
ncat -l --vsock ${PORT}
At guest shell:
# Make a connection to the host
ncat --vsock ${HOST_CID} ${PORT}
If a vsock device is configured properly in the guest VM, a connection between the host and the guest can be established and packets can be sent from both side. In the above example, your inputs to a shell on one's side should be shown at the shell on the other side if a connection is successfully established.
This section contains the following sub pages:
- VirtIO Pmem describes the basic usage of virtio-pmem device to provide a disk device with the guest.
- Sharing host directory via virtio-pmem describes crosvm's virtual ext2 feature on virtio-pmem, which allow sharing a host directory with the guest as read-only.
VirtIO Pmem
crosvm supports virtio-pmem
to provide a virtual device emulating a byte-addressable persistent
memory device. The disk image is provided to the guest using a memory-mapped view of the image file,
and this mapping can be directly mapped into the guest's address space if the guest operating system
and filesystem support DAX.
Pmem devices may be added to crosvm using the --pmem
flag, specifying the filename of the backing
image as the parameter. By default, the pmem device will be writable; add ro=true
to create a
read-only pmem device instead.
crosvm run \
--pmem disk.img \
... # usual crosvm args
The Linux virtio-pmem driver can be enabled with the CONFIG_VIRTIO_PMEM
option. It will expose
pmem devices as /dev/pmem0
, /dev/pmem1
, etc., which may be mounted like any other block device.
A pmem device may also be used as the root filesystem by adding root=true
to the --pmem
crosvm run \
--pmem rootfs.img,root=true,ro=true \
... # usual crosvm args
The advantage of pmem over a regular block device is the potential for less cache duplication; since
the guest can directly map pages of the pmem device, it does not need to perform an extra copy into
the guest page cache. This can result in lower memory overhead versus virtio-block
(when not using
The file backing a persistent memory device is mapped directly into the guest's address space, which
means that only the raw disk image format is supported; disk images in qcow2 or other formats may
not be used as a pmem device. See the block
device for an alternative that supports
more file formats.
Sharing host directory with virtio-pmem
crosvm has an experimental feature to share a host directory with the guest as read-only via virtio-pmem device.
How it works
When this feature is enabled, crosvm
creates a virtual ext2 filesystem in memory. This filesystem
contains the contents of the specified host directory. When creating the file system, crosvm
each file instead of data copy. As a result, the actual file data is read from disk only when
it's accessed by the guest.
To share a host directory with the guest, you'll need to start crosvm
with the device enabled, and
mount the device in the guest.
You can use --pmem-ext2
flag to enable the device.
$ mkdir host_shared_dir
$ HOST_SHARED_DIR=$(pwd)/host_shared_dir
$ echo "Hello!" > $HOST_SHARED_DIR/test.txt
$ crosvm run \
--pmem-ext2 "$HOST_SHARED_DIR" \
# usual crosvm args
You can check a full list of parameters for --pmem-ext2
with crosvm run --help
Then, you can mount the ext2 file system from the guest. With -o dax
, we can avoid duplicated page
caches between the guest and the host.
$ mkdir /tmp/shared
$ mount -t ext2 -o dax /dev/pmem0 /tmp/shared
$ ls /tmp/shared
lost+found test.txt
$ cat /tmp/shared/test.txt
Comparison with other methods
Since access to files provided by this device is through pmem, it is done as a host OS page fault. This can reduce the number of context switches to the host userspace compared to virtio-blk or virtio-fs.
This feature is similar to the VVFAT (Virtual FAT filesystem) device in QEMU, but our pmem-ext2 uses the ext2 filesystem and supports read-only accesses only.
crosvm supports attaching USB devices from the host by emulating an xhci backend.
Unlike some other VM software like qemu, crosvm does not support attaching USB devices at boot time, however we can tell the VM to attach the devices once the kernel has booted, as long as we started crosvm with a control socket (see the control socket section in advanced usage).
First, start crosvm making sure to specify the control socket:
$ crosvm run -s /run/crosvm.sock ${USUAL_CROSVM_ARGS}
Then, you need to identify which device you want to attach by looking for its USB bus and device number:
$ lsusb
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 022: ID 18d1:4ee7 Google Inc. Pixel 5
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Assuming in this example the device you want is the Google Inc. Pixel 5
, its bus and port numbers
are 002 and 022 respectively.
There should be a USB device file on the host at the path /dev/bus/usb/002/022
which is what you
want to pass to the crosvm usb attach
# crosvm usb attach 00:00:00:00 /dev/bus/usb/002/022 /run/crosvm.sock
You can run this command as root or make sure your current user has permissions to access the device file. Also make sure the device is not currently attached to any other drivers on the host and is not already in use.
NOTE: You need to pass some string formatted like 00:00:00:00
as the first parameter to the
usb attach
command. This is a deprecated argument and is not used by crosvm, but we need to
include it anyway for it to work. It will be removed in the future.
On the host you should see a message like:
ok 9
Which tells you the operation succeeded and which port number the USB device is attached to (in this
case 9
Inside the VM you should see dmesg messages that the USB device has been attached successfully and you should be able to use it as normal.
If you want to detach the device, simply issue a detach command to the same number as the port returned by the attach command:
# crosvm usb detach 9 /run/crosvm.sock
Which should return another ok 9
Keep in mind that when a USB device is attached to a VM, it is in exclusive mode and cannot be used by the host or attached to other VMs.
If you have a Wayland compositor running on your host, it is possible to display and control guest applications from it. This requires:
- A guest kernel version 5.16 or above with
enabled, - The
Wayland proxy in your guest image.
This section will walk you through the steps needed to get this to work.
Guest kernel requirements
Wayland support on crosvm relies on virtio-gpu contexts, which have been introduced in Linux 5.16.
Make sure your guest kernel is either this version or a more recent one, and that
is enabled in your kernel configuration.
Crosvm requirements
Wayland forwarding requires the GPU feature and the virtio-gpu cross domain mode to be enabled.
cargo build --features "gpu"
Building sommelier
Sommelier is a proxy Wayland compositor that forwards the Wayland protocol from a guest to a compositor running on the host through the guest GPU device. As it is not a standard tool, we will have to build it by ourselves. It is recommended to do this from the guest with networking enabled.
Clone ChromeOS' platform2
repository, which contains the source for sommelier:
git clone
Go into the sommelier directory and prepare for building:
cd platform2/vm_tools/sommelier/
meson setup build -Dwith_tests=false
This setup step will check for all libraries required to build sommelier. If some are missing,
install them using your guest's distro package manager and re-run meson setup
until it passes.
Finally, build sommelier and install it:
meson compile -C build
sudo meson install -C build
This last step will put the sommelier
binary into /usr/local/bin
Running guest Wayland apps
Crosvm can connect to a running Wayland server (e.g. weston) on the host and forward the protocol
from all Wayland guest applications to it. To enable this you need to know the socket of the Wayland
server running on your host - typically it would be $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0
Once you have confirmed the socket, create a GPU device and enable forwarding by adding the
--gpu=context-types=cross-domain --wayland-sock $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0
arguments to your
crosvm command-line. Other context types may be also enabled for those interested in 3D
You can now run Wayland clients through sommelier, e.g:
sommelier --virtgpu-channel weston-terminal
sommelier --virtgpu-channel gedit
Applications started that way should appear on and be controllable from the Wayland server running on your host.
The --virtgpu-channel
option is currently necessary for sommelier to work with the setup of this
document, but will likely not be required in the future.
If you have Xwayland
installed in the guest you can also run X applications:
sommelier -X --xwayland-path=/usr/bin/Xwayland xeyes
Video (experimental)
The virtio video decoder and encoder devices allow a guest to leverage the host's hardware-accelerated video decoding and encoding capabilities. The specification (v3, v5) for these devices is still a work-in-progress, so testing them requires an out-of-tree kernel driver on the guest.
The virtio-video host device uses backends to perform the actual decoding. The currently supported backends are:
, a hardware-accelerated backend that supports both decoding and encoding by delegating the work to a running instance of Chrome. It can only be built and used in a ChromeOS environment.ffmpeg
, a software-based backend that supports encoding and decoding. It exists to make testing and development of virtio-video easier, as it does not require any particular hardware and is based on a reliable codec library.
The rest of this document will solely focus on the ffmpeg
backend. More accelerated backends will
be added in the future.
Guest kernel requirements
The virtio_video
branch of this kernel git repository contains
a work-in-progress version of the virtio-video
guest kernel driver, based on a (hopefully) recent
version of mainline Linux. If you use this as your guest kernel, the virtio_video_defconfig
configuration should allow you to easily boot from crosvm, with the video (and a few other) virtio
devices support built-in.
Quick building guide after checking out this branch:
mkdir build_crosvm_x86
make O=build_crosvm_x86 virtio_video_defconfig
make O=build_crosvm_x86 -j16
The resulting kernel image that can be passed to crosvm
will be in
Crosvm requirements
The virtio-video support is experimental and needs to be opted-in through the "video-decoder"
Cargo feature. In the instruction below we'll be using the FFmpeg backend which
requires the "ffmpeg"
feature to be enabled as well.
The following example builds crosvm with FFmpeg encoder and decoder backend support:
cargo build --features "video-encoder,video-decoder,ffmpeg"
To enable the decoder device, start crosvm with the --video-decoder=ffmpeg
crosvm run --disable-sandbox --video-decoder=ffmpeg -c 4 -m 2048 --block /path/to/disk.img,root --serial type=stdout,hardware=virtio-console,console=true,stdin=true /path/to/bzImage
Alternatively, to enable the encoder device, start crosvm with the --video-encoder=ffmpeg
command-line argument:
crosvm run --disable-sandbox --video-encoder=ffmpeg -c 4 -m 2048 --block /path/to/disk.img,root --serial type=stdout,hardware=virtio-console,console=true,stdin=true /path/to/bzImage
If the guest kernel includes the virtio-video driver, then the device should be probed and show up.
Testing the device from the guest
Video capabilities are exposed to the guest using V4L2. The encoder or decoder device should appear
as /dev/videoX
, probably /dev/video0
if there are no additional V4L2 devices.
Checking capabilities and formats
, part of the v4l-utils
package, can be used to test the device's existence.
Example output for the decoder is shown below.
v4l2-ctl -d/dev/video0 --info
Driver Info:
Driver name : virtio-video
Card type : ffmpeg
Bus info : virtio:stateful-decoder
Driver version : 5.17.0
Capabilities : 0x84204000
Video Memory-to-Memory Multiplanar
Extended Pix Format
Device Capabilities
Device Caps : 0x04204000
Video Memory-to-Memory Multiplanar
Extended Pix Format
Note that the Card type
is ffmpeg
, indicating that decoding will be performed in software on the
host. We can then query the support input (OUTPUT
in V4L2-speak) formats, i.e. the encoded formats
we can send to the decoder:
v4l2-ctl -d/dev/video0 --list-formats-out
Type: Video Output Multiplanar
[0]: 'VP90' (VP9, compressed)
[1]: 'VP80' (VP8, compressed)
[2]: 'HEVC' (HEVC, compressed)
[3]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)
Similarly, you can check the supported output (or CAPTURE) pixel formats for decoded frames:
v4l2-ctl -d/dev/video0 --list-formats
Type: Video Capture Multiplanar
[0]: 'NV12' (Y/CbCr 4:2:0)
Test decoding with ffmpeg
FFmpeg can be used to decode video streams with the virtio-video device.
Simple VP8 stream:
ffmpeg -codec:v vp8_v4l2m2m -i test-25fps.vp8 test-25fps-%d.png
This should create 250 PNG files each containing a decoded frame from the stream.
WEBM VP9 stream:
ffmpeg -codec:v vp9_v4l2m2m -i Big_Buck_Bunny_720_10s_1MB.webm Big_Buck_Bunny-%d.png
Should create 300 PNG files at 720p resolution.
Test decoding with v4l2r
The v4l2r Rust crate also features an example program that can use this driver to decode simple H.264 streams:
git clone
cd v4l2r
cargo run --example simple_decoder test-25fps.h264 /dev/video0 --input_format h264 --save test-25fps.nv12
This will decode test-25fps.h264
and write the raw decoded frames in NV12
format into
. You can check the result with e.g. YUView.
Test encoding with ffmpeg
FFmpeg can be used to encode video streams with the virtio-video device.
The following examples generates a test clip through libavfilter and encode it using the virtual H.264, H.265 and VP8 encoder, respectively. (VP9 v4l2m2m support is missing in FFmpeg for some reason.)
# H264
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i smptebars=duration=10:size=640x480:rate=30 \
-pix_fmt nv12 -c:v h264_v4l2m2m smptebars.h264.mp4
# H265
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i smptebars=duration=10:size=640x480:rate=30 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v hevc_v4l2m2m smptebars.h265.mp4
# VP8
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i smptebars=duration=10:size=640x480:rate=30 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v vp8_v4l2m2m smptebars.vp8.webm
Virtual U2F Passthrough
crosvm supports sharing a single u2f USB
device between the host and the guest. Unlike with normal USB devices which require to be
exclusively attached to one VM, it is possible to share a single security key between multiple VMs
and the host in a non-exclusive manner using the attach_key
A generic hardware security key that supports the fido1/u2f protocol should appear as a
interface on the host, like this:
$ lsusb
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 018: ID 1050:0407 YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
$ ls /dev/hidraw*
/dev/hidraw0 /dev/hidraw1
In this example, the physical YubiKey presents both a keyboard interface (/dev/hidraw0
) and a
u2f-hid interface (/dev/hidraw1
). Crosvm supports passing the /dev/hidraw1
interface to the
guest via the crosvm usb attach_key
First, start crosvm making sure to specify a control socket:
$ crosvm run -s /run/crosvm.sock ${USUAL_CROSVM_ARGS}
Since the virtual u2f device is surfaced as a generic HID device, make sure your guest kernel is built with support for HID devices. Specifically it needs CONFIG_HID, CONFIG_HIDRAW, CONFIG_HID_GENERIC, and CONFIG_USB_HID enabled.
Once the VM is launched, attach the security key with the following command on the host:
$ crosvm usb attach_key /dev/hidraw1 /run/crosvm.sock
ok 1
The virtual security key will show up inside the guest as a Google USB device with Product and
Vendor IDs as 18d1:f1d0
$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 18d1:f1d0 Google Inc.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
You can verify that the correct hidraw device has been created in the /dev/
$ ls /dev/hidraw*
The device should now be usable as u2f-supported security key both inside the guest and on the host. It can also be attached to other crosvm instances at the same time too.
Vhost-user devices
Crosvm supports vhost-user devices for most virtio devices (block, net, etc ) so that device emulation can be done outside of the main vmm process.
Here is a diagram showing how vhost-user block device back-end (implementing the actual disk in userspace) and a vhost-user block front-end (implementing the device facing the guest OS) in crosvm VMM work together.
How to run
Let's take a block device as an example and see how to start vhost-user devices.
First, start vhost-user block backend with crosvm devices
command, which waits for a vmm process
connecting to the socket.
# One-time commands to create a disk image.
fallocate -l 1G disk.img
mkfs.ext4 disk.img
# Start vhost-user block backend listening on $VHOST_USER_SOCK
crosvm devices --block vhost=${VHOST_USER_SOCK},path=disk.img
Then, open another terminal and start a vmm process with --vhost-user
flag (the frontend).
crosvm run \
--vhost-user block,socket="${VHOST_USER_SOCK}" \
<usual crosvm arguments>
As a result, disk.img
should be exposed as /dev/vda
just like with --block disk.img
Crosvm supports tracing to allow developers to debug and diagnose problems and check performance optimizations.
The crate cros_tracing
is used as a frontend for trace points across the crosvm codebase. It is
disabled by default but we can enable it with a compile-time flag. It is written to be extensible
and support multiple backends.
The currently supported backends are:
: No tracing is enabled. All trace points are compiled out of the application so there is no performance degradation. This is the default backend when no tracing flag is provided.trace_marker
: ftrace backend to log trace events to the Linux kernel. Only supported on Linux systems. Enabled by compiling crosvm with the--features trace_marker
flag. (On CrOS it is USE flagcrosvm-trace-marker
cros_tracing Overview
The cros_tracing API consists of the following:
: called at initialization time insrc/
to set up any tracing-specific initialization logic (opening files, set up global state, etc).cros_tracing::push_descriptors!()
: a macro that needs to be called every time crosvm sets up a sandbox jail before forking. It adds trace-specific file descriptors to the list of descriptors allowed to be accessed inside the jail, if any.cros_tracing::trace_simple_print!()
: a simple macro that behaves like a log() print and sends a simple message to the tracing backend. In case of thetrace_marker
backend, this will show up as a message in the ftrace/print list of events.cros_tracing::trace_event_begin!()
: a macro that tracks a tracing context for the given category and emits tracing events. It increased the counter of trace events for that context, if the category is enabled.cros_tracing::trace_event_end!()
: the opposite oftrace_event_begin!()
. It decreases the counter of currently traced events for that category, if the category is enabled.cros_tracing::trace_event!()
: a macro that returns a trace context. It records when it is first executed and the given tag + state. When the returned structure goes out of scope, it is automatically collected and the event is recorded. It is useful to trace entry and exit points in function calls. It is equivalent to callingtrace_event_begin!()
, logging data, and then callingtrace_event_end!()
before it goes out of scope. It's recommended to usetrace_event!()
rather than calltrace_event_begin!()
The categories that are currently supported by cros_tracing are:
- VirtioFs
- VirtioNet
- gpu_display
- VirtioBlk
- VirtioScsi
The trace_marker Backend
The trace_marker
backend assumes that the host kernel has tracefs enabled and
is writable by the host when the crosvm process starts. If the
file cannot be accessed, tracing will not work.
First, we want to build crosvm with trace_marker enabled:
cargo build --features trace_marker
To verify that tracing is working, first start a trace capture on the host. You can use something like trace-cmd or manually enable tracing in the system from the terminal:
sudo echo 1 > /sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on
We can check that virtiofs tracing is working by launching crosvm with a virtiofs filesystem:
sudo crosvm run --disable-sandbox --shared-dir ${MOUNTPOINT}:mtdroot:type=fs -p "rootfstype=virtiofs root=mtdroot rw init=/bin/bash" ${KERNEL}
is your virtiofs filesystem and ${KERNEL}
is your linux kernel.
In another terminal, open a cat
stream on the /sys/kernel/tracing/trace_pipe
file to view the
tracing events in real time:
sudo cat /sys/kernel/tracing/trace_pipe
As you issue virtiofs requests, you should see events showing up like:
<...>-3802142 [011] ..... 2179601.746212: tracing_mark_write: fuse server: handle_message: in_header=InHeader { len: 64, opcode: 18, unique: 814, nodeid: 42, uid: 0, gid: 0, pid: 0, padding: 0 }
<...>-3802142 [011] ..... 2179601.746226: tracing_mark_write: 503 VirtioFs Enter: release - (self.tag: "mtdroot")(inode: 42)(handle: 35)
<...>-3802142 [011] ..... 2179601.746244: tracing_mark_write: 503 VirtioFs Exit: release
Adding Trace Points
You can add you own trace points by changing the code and recompiling.
If you just need to add a simple one-off trace point, you can use trace_simple_print!()
like this
(taken from devices/src/virtio/fs/
Recompile and you will see your message show up like:
<...>-3803691 [006] ..... 2180094.296405: tracing_mark_write: Hello world.
So far so good, but to get the most out of it you might want to record how long the function takes
to run and some extra parameters. In that case you want to use trace_event!()
Recompile and this will show up:
<...>-3805264 [017] ..... 2180567.774540: tracing_mark_write: 512 VirtioFs Enter: process_fs_queue - (slot: 0)
<...>-3805264 [017] ..... 2180567.774551: tracing_mark_write: 512 VirtioFs Exit: process_fs_queue
The number 512
in the log corresponds to a unique identifier for that event so it's easier to
trace which Enter
corresponds to which Exit
. Note how the value of slot
also has been
recorded. To be able to output the state, the data type needs to support the fmt::Debug
NOTE: The unique identifier for each event is unique only per-process. If the crosvm process forks (like spawning new devices) then it is possible for two events from different processes to have the same ID, in which case it's important to look at the recorded PID that emitted each event in the trace.
The numbers like 2180567.774540
and 2180567.774551
in the example above are the timestamps for
that event, in <sec>.<usec>
format. We can see that the process_fs_queue
call took 11usec to
In this last example we used the VirtioFs
category tag. If you want to add a new category tag to
, it can be done by adding it to the the setup_trace_marker!()
call in
If the value is false
then the events will not be traced. This can be useful when you just want to
trace a specific category and don't care about the rest, you can disable them in the code and
recompile crosvm.
NOTE: Trace events are compile-time to reduce runtime overhead in non-tracing builds so a lot of changes require recompiling and re-deploying crosvm.
Crosvm System Integration
The following sections describe how crosvm is integrated into other projects.
Crosvm on ChromeOS
A copy of crosvm is included in the ChromeOS source tree at chromiumos/platform/crosvm, which is referred to as downstream crosvm.
All crosvm development is happening upstream at crosvm/crosvm. Changes from upstream crosvm are regularly merged with ChromeOS's downstream crosvm.
The merge process.
A crosvm bot will regularly generate automated commits that merge upstream crosvm into downstream. These commits can be found in gerrit.
The crosvm team is submitting these merges through the ChromeOS CQ regularly, which happens roughly once per week, but time can vary depending on CQ health.
Googlers can find more information on the merge process at go/crosvm-uprev-playbook.
Building crosvm for ChromeOS
crosvm on ChromeOS is usually built with Portage, so it follows the same general workflow as any
package. The full package name is chromeos-base/crosvm
The developer guide section on Make your Changes applies to crosvm as well. You can specify the development version to be built with cros_workon, and build with cros build-packages. Consecutive builds without changes to dependency can be done with emerge.
(chroot)$ cros_workon --board=${BOARD} start chromeos-base/crosvm
(chroot or host)$ cros build-packages --board=${BOARD} chromeos-base/crosvm
(chroot)$ emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-base/crosvm -j 10
Deploy it via cros deploy
(chroot)$ cros deploy ${IP} crosvm
Iterative test runs can be done as well:
(chroot)$ FEATURES=test emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-base/crosvm -j 10
Warning: Using cros_workon_make
is possible but patches the local Cargo.toml file and some
configuration files. Please do not submit these changes. Also something makes it rebuild a lot of
the files.
Rebuilding all crosvm dependencies
Crosvm has a lot of rust dependencies that are installed into a registry inside cros_sdk. After a
repo sync
these can be out of date, causing compilation issues. To make sure all dependencies are
up to date, run:
(chroot or host)$ cros build-packages --board=${BOARD} chromeos-base/crosvm
Building crosvm for Linux
and cros_workon_make
workflows can be quite slow to work with, hence a lot of developers
prefer to use standard cargo workflows used upstream.
Just make sure to initialize git submodules (git submodules update --init
), which is not done by
repo. After that, you can use the workflows as outlined in
Building Crosvm outside of cros_sdk.
Note: You can not build or test ChromeOS specific features this way.
Submitting Changes
All changes to crosvm are made upstream, using the same process outlined in Contributing. It is recommended to use the Building crosvm for Linux setup above to run upstream presubmit checks / formatting tools / etc when submitting changes.
Code submitted upstream is tested on linux, but not on ChromeOS devices. Changes will only be tested on the ChromeOS CQ when they go through the merge process.
Has my change landed in ChromeOS (Googlers only)?
You can use the crosland tool to check in which ChromeOS version your changes have been merged into the chromiumos/platform/crosvm repository.
The merge will also contain all BUG=
references that will notify your bugs about when the change
is submitted.
For more details on the process, please see go/crosvm-uprev-playbook (Googlers only).
We cannot support Cq-Depend to sychronize changes with other ChromeOS repositories. Please try to make changes in a backwards compatible way to allow them to be submitted independently.
If it cannot be avoided at all, please follow this process:
- Upload your change to upstream crosvm and get it reviewed. Do not submit it yet.
- Upload the change to chromiumos/platform/crosvm as well.
- Use Cq-Depend on the ChromeOS changes and submit it via the CQ.
- After the changes landed in ChromeOS, land them upstream as well.
Cherry-picking without the usual merge process
If you need your changes faster than the usual merge frequency, please follow this process:
- Upload and submit your change to upstream crosvm.
- Upload the change to chromiumos/platform/crosvm as well.
- Submit as usual through the CQ.
Never submit code just to ChromeOS, as it will cause upstream to diverge and result in merge conflicts down the road.
Cherry-picking to release branch
Your change need to be merged into chromiumos/platform/crosvm to cherry-pick it to a release branch. You should follow ChromiumOS Merge Workflow to cherry-pick your changes. Since changes are merged from crosvm/crosvm to chromiumos/platform/crosvm through the merge process, you can't use gerrit to cherry-pick your changes but need to use git command locally.
$ cd chromiumos/src/platform/crosvm
$ git branch -a | grep remotes/cros/release-R120
$ git checkout -b my-cherry-pick cros/release-R120-15662.B
$ git cherry-pick -x $COMMIT
$ git push cros HEAD:refs/for/release-R120-15662.B
is the commit hash of the original change you want to cherry-pick not the merge commit.
Note that you push to special gerrit refs/for/
, not pushing directly to the release branch.
Also note that release branch cherry picks don't get CQ tested at all - they are submitted directly once you CQ+2 - so it is very important to test locally first.
Running a Tryjob
For googlers, see go/cdg-site
This chapter explains the internal architecture of CrosVM for contributors.
- Overview - broad overview of CrosVM
- Interrupts - deep dive into interrupts
The principle characteristics of crosvm are:
- A process per virtual device, made using fork on Linux
- Each process is sandboxed using minijail
- Support for several CPU architectures, operating systems, and hypervisors
- Written in Rust for security and safety
A typical session of crosvm starts in
where command line parsing is done to build up a
structure. The Config
is used by run_config
in src/crosvm/sys/
to setup and
execute a VM. Broken down into rough steps:
- Load the Linux kernel from an ELF or bzImage file.
- Create a handful of control sockets used by the virtual devices.
- Invoke the architecture-specific VM builder
(located inx86_64/src/
, orriscv64/src/
). Arch::build_vm
will create aRunnableLinuxVm
to represent a virtual machine instance.create_devices
creates every PCI device, including the virtio devices, that were configured inConfig
, along with matching minijail configs for each.Arch::assign_pci_addresses
assigns an address to each PCI device, prioritizing devices that report a preferred slot by implementing thePciDevice
, using a list of every PCI device with optionalMinijail
, will finally jail the PCI devices and construct aPciRoot
that communicates with them.- Once the VM has been built, it's contained within a
object that is used by the VCPUs and control loop to service requests until shutdown.
During the device creation routine, each device will be created and then wrapped in a ProxyDevice
which will internally fork
(but not exec
) and minijail the device, while dropping it for the
main process. The only interaction that the device is capable of having with the main process is via
the proxied trait methods of BusDevice
, shared memory mappings such as the guest memory, and file
descriptors that were specifically allowed by that device's security policy. This can lead to some
surprising behavior to be aware of such as why some file descriptors which were once valid are now
Sandboxing Policy
Every sandbox is made with minijail and starts with create_sandbox_minijail
in jail
which set some very restrictive settings. Linux namespaces and seccomp filters are used for
sandboxing. Each seccomp policy can be found under jail/seccomp/{arch}/{device}.policy
and should
start by @include
-ing the common_device.policy
. With the exception of architecture specific
devices (such as Pl030
on ARM or I8042
on x86_64), every device will need a different policy for
each supported architecture.
The VM Control Sockets
For the operations that devices need to perform on the global VM state, such as mapping into guest memory address space, there are the VM control sockets. There are a few kinds, split by the type of request and response that the socket will process. This also proves basic security privilege separation in case a device becomes compromised by a malicious guest. For example, a rogue device that is able to allocate MSI routes would not be able to use the same socket to (de)register guest memory. During the device initialization stage, each device that requires some aspect of VM control will have a constructor that requires the corresponding control socket. The control socket will get preserved when the device is sandboxed and the other side of the socket will be waited on in the main process's control loop.
The socket exposed by crosvm with the --socket
command line argument is another form of the VM
control socket. Because the protocol of the control socket is internal and unstable, the only
supported way of using that resulting named unix domain socket is via crosvm command line
subcommands such as crosvm stop
or programmatically via the crosvm_control
and its friends VolatileMemory
, VolatileSlice
, MemoryMapping
, and
, are common types used throughout crosvm to interact with guest memory. Know which
one to use in what place using some guidelines
is for sending around references to all of the guest memory. It can be cloned freely, but the underlying guest memory is always the same. Internally, it's implemented usingMemoryMapping
. Note thatGuestMemory
is mapped into the host address space (for non-protected VMs), but it is non-contiguous. Device memory, such as mapped DMA-Bufs, are not present inGuestMemory
wraps amemfd
and can be mapped usingMemoryMapping
to access its data.SharedMemory
can't be cloned.VolatileMemory
is a trait that exposes generic access to non-contiguous memory.GuestMemory
implements this trait. Use this trait for functions that operate on a memory space but don't necessarily need it to be guest memory.VolatileSlice
is analogous to a Rust slice, but unlike those, aVolatileSlice
has data that changes asynchronously by all those that reference it. Exclusive mutability and data synchronization are not available when it comes to aVolatileSlice
. This type is useful for functions that operate on contiguous shared memory, such as a single entry from a scatter gather table, or for safe wrappers around functions which operate on pointers, such as aread
is a safe wrapper around anonymous and file mappings. Provides RAII and does munmap after use. Access via Rust references is forbidden, but indirect reading and writing is available viaVolatileSlice
and several convenience functions. This type is most useful for mapping memory unrelated toGuestMemory
See memory layout for details how crosvm arranges the guest address space.
Device Model
The root of the crosvm device model is the Bus
structure and its friend the BusDevice
trait. The
structure is a virtual computer bus used to emulate the memory-mapped I/O bus and also I/O
ports for x86 VMs. On a read or write to an address on a VM's bus, the corresponding Bus
object is
queried for a BusDevice
that occupies that address. Bus
will then forward the read/write to the
. Because of this behavior, only one BusDevice
may exist at any given address. However,
a BusDevice
may be placed at more than one address range. Depending on how a BusDevice
inserted into the Bus
, the forwarded read/write will be relative to 0 or to the start of the
address range that the BusDevice
occupies (which would be ambiguous if the BusDevice
more than one range).
Only the base address of a multi-byte read/write is used to search for a device, so a device
implementation should be aware that the last address of a single read/write may be outside its
address range. For example, if a BusDevice
was inserted at base address 0x1000 with a length of
0x40, a 4-byte read by a VCPU at 0x39 would be forwarded to that BusDevice
Each BusDevice
is reference counted and wrapped in a mutex, so implementations of BusDevice
not worry about synchronizing their access across multiple VCPUs and threads. Each VCPU will get a
complete copy of the Bus
, so there is no contention for querying the Bus
about an address. Once
the BusDevice
is found, the Bus
will acquire an exclusive lock to the device and forward the
VCPU's read/write. The implementation of the BusDevice
will block execution of the VCPU that
invoked it, as well as any other VCPU attempting access, until it returns from its method.
Most devices in crosvm do not implement BusDevice
directly, but some are examples are i8042
. With the exception of PCI devices, all devices are inserted by architecture specific code
(which may call into the architecture-neutral arch
crate). A BusDevice
can be proxied to a
sandboxed process using ProxyDevice
, which will create the second process using a fork, with no
In order to use the more complex PCI bus, there are a couple adapters that implement BusDevice
call into a PciRoot
with higher level calls to config_space_read
. The
is a BusDevice
for insertion into the MMIO Bus
for ARM devices. For x86_64,
is inserted into the I/O port Bus
. There is only one implementation of PciRoot
that is used by either of the PciConfig*
structures. Because these devices are very simple, they
have very little code or state. They aren't sandboxed and are run as part of the main process.
The PciRoot
, analogous to BusDevice
for Bus
s, contains all the PciDevice
trait objects.
Because of a shortcut (or hack), the ProxyDevice
only supports jailing BusDevice
Therefore, PciRoot
only contains BusDevice
s, even though they also implement PciDevice
. In
fact, every PciDevice
also implements BusDevice
because of a blanket implementation
(impl<T: PciDevice> BusDevice for T { … }
). There are a few PCI related methods in BusDevice
allow the PciRoot
to still communicate with the underlying PciDevice
(yes, this abstraction is
very leaky). Most devices will not implement PciDevice
directly, instead using the
implementation for virtio devices, but the xHCI (USB) controller is an example
that implements PciDevice
directly. The VirtioPciDevice
is an implementation of PciDevice
wraps a VirtioDevice
, which is how the virtio specified PCI transport is adapted to a transport
agnostic VirtioDevice
The VirtioDevice
is the most widely implemented trait among the device traits. Each of the
different virtio devices (block, rng, net, etc.) implement this trait directly and they follow a
similar pattern. Most of the trait methods are easily filled in with basic information about the
specific device, but activate
will be the heart of the implementation. It's called by the virtio
transport after the guest's driver has indicated the device has been configured and is ready to run.
The virtio device implementation will receive the run time related resources (GuestMemory
, etc.) for processing virtio queues and associated interrupts via the arguments to
, but activate
can't spend its time actually processing the queues. A VCPU will be
blocked as long as activate
is running. Every device uses activate
to launch a worker thread
that takes ownership of run time resources to do the actual processing. There is some subtlety in
dealing with virtio queues, so the smart thing to do is copy a simpler device and adapt it, such as
the rng device (
Communication Framework
Because of the multi-process nature of crosvm, communication is done over several IPC primitives.
The common ones are shared memory pages, unix sockets, anonymous pipes, and various other file
descriptor variants (DMA-buf, eventfd, etc.). Standard methods (read
) of using these
primitives may be used, but crosvm has developed some helpers which should be used where applicable.
Most threads in crosvm will have a wait loop using a WaitContext
, which is a wrapper around a
on Linux and WaitForMultipleObjects
on Windows. In either case, waitable objects can be
added to the context along with an associated token, whose type is the type parameter of
. A call to the wait
function will block until at least one of the waitable objects
has become signaled and will return a collection of the tokens associated with those objects. The
tokens used with WaitContext
must be convertible to and from a u64
. There is a custom derive
which can be applied to an enum
declaration that makes it easy to use your
own enum in a WaitContext
Linux Platform Limitations
The limitations of WaitContext
on Linux are the same as the limitations of epoll
. The same FD
can not be inserted more than once, and the FD will be automatically removed if the process runs out
of references to that FD. A dup
call will increment that reference count, so closing the
original FD will not actually remove it from the WaitContext
. It is possible to receive tokens
from WaitContext
for an FD that was closed because of a race condition in which an event was
registered in the background before the close
happened. Best practice is to keep an FD open and
remove it from the WaitContext
before closing it so that events associated with it can be reliably
with Descriptors
Using raw sockets and pipes to communicate is very inconvenient for rich data types. To help make
this easier and less error prone, crosvm uses the serde
crate. To allow transmitting types with
embedded descriptors (FDs on Linux or HANDLEs on Windows), a module is provided for sending and
receiving descriptors alongside the plain old bytes that serde consumes.
Code Map
Source code is organized into crates, each with their own unit tests.
- The top-level binary front-end for using crosvm.aarch64
- Support code specific to 64-bit ARM architectures.base
- Safe wrappers for system facilities which provides cross-platform-compatible interfaces.cros_async
- Runtime for async/await programming. This crate provides aFuture
executor based onio_uring
and one based onepoll
- Virtual devices exposed to the guest OS.disk
- Library to create and manipulate several types of disks such as raw disk, qcow, etc.hypervisor
- Abstract layer to interact with hypervisors. For Linux, this crate is a wrapper ofkvm
- End-to-end tests that run a crosvm VM.infra
- Infrastructure recipes for continuous integration testing.jail
- Sandboxing helper library for Linux.jail/seccomp
- Contains minijail seccomp policy files for each sandboxed device. Because some syscalls vary by architecture, the seccomp policies are split by architecture.kernel_loader
- Loads kernel images in various formats to a slice of memory.kvm_sys
- Low-level (mostly) auto-generated structures and constants for using KVM.kvm
- Unsafe, low-level wrapper code for usingkvm_sys
- Safe wrapper of libvda, a ChromeOS HW-accelerated video decoding/encoding library.net_sys
- Low-level (mostly) auto-generated structures and constants for creating TUN/TAP devices.net_util
- Wrapper for creating TUN/TAP devices.qcow_util
- A library and a binary to manipulate qcow disks.sync
- Our version ofstd::sync::Mutex
- Third-party libraries which we are maintaining on the ChromeOS tree or the AOSP
- Scripts for code health such as wrappers ofrustfmt
- Low-level (mostly) auto-generated structures, constants and ioctls for VFIO.vhost
- Wrappers for creating vhost based devices.virtio_sys
- Low-level (mostly) auto-generated structures and constants for interfacing with kernel vhost support.vm_control
- IPC for the VM.vm_memory
- VM-specific memory objects.x86_64
- Support code specific to 64-bit x86 machines.
Interrupts (x86_64)
Interrupts are how devices request service from the guest drivers. This page explores the details of interrupt routing from the perspective of CrosVM.
Critical acronyms
This subject area uses a lot of acronyms:
- IRQ: Interrupt ReQuest
- ISR: Interrupt Service Routine
- EOI: End Of Interrupt
- MSI: message signaled interrupts. In this document, synonymous with MSI-X.
- MSI-X: message signaled interrupts - extended
- LAPIC: local APIC
- APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (successor to the legacy PIC)
- IOAPIC: IO APIC (has physical interrupt lines, which it responds to by triggering an MSI directed to the LAPIC).
- PIC: Programmable Interrupt Controller (the "legacy PIC" / Intel 8259 chip).
Interrupts come in two flavors
Interrupts on x86_64
in CrosVM come in two primary flavors: legacy and MSI-X. In this document,
MSI is used to refer to the concept of message signaled interrupts, but it always refers to
interrupts sent via MSI-X because that is what CrosVM uses.
Legacy interrupts (INTx)
These interrupts are traditionally delivered via dedicated signal lines to PICs and/or the IOAPIC. Older devices, especially those that are used during early boot, often rely on these types of interrupts. These typically are the first 24 GSIs, and are serviced either by the PIC (during very early boot), or by the IOAPIC (after it is activated & the PIC is switched off).
Background on EOI
The purpose of EOI is rooted in how legacy interrupt lines are shared. If two devices D1
and D2
share a line L
, D2
has no guarantee that it will be serviced when L
is asserted. After
receiving EOI, D2
has to check whether it was serviced, and if it was not, to re-assert L
. An
example of how this occurs is if D2
requests service while D1
is already being serviced. In that
case, the line has to be reasserted otherwise D2
won't be serviced.
Because interrupt lines to the IOAPIC can be shared by multiple devices, EOI is critical for devices to figure out whether they were serviced in response to sending the IRQ, or whether the IRQ needs to be resent. The operating principles mean that sending extra EOIs to a legacy device is perfectly safe, because they could be due to another device on the same line receiving service, and so devices must be tolerant of such "extra" (from their perspective) EOIs.
These "extra" EOIs come from the fact that EOI is often a broadcast message that goes to all legacy devices. Broadcast is required because interrupt lines can be routed through the two 8259 PICs via cascade before they reach the CPU, broadcast to both PICs (and attached devices) is the only way to ensure EOI reaches the device that was serviced.
EOI in CrosVM
When the guest's ISR completes and signals EOI, the CrosVM irqchip implementation is responsible for propagating EOI to the device backends. EOI is delivered to the devices via their resample event. Devices are then responsible for listening to that resample event, and checking their internal state to see if they received service. If the device wasn't serviced, it must then reassert the IRQ.
MSIs do not use dedicated signal lines; instead, they are "messages" which are sent on the system bus. The LAPIC(s) receive these messages, and inject the interrupt into the VCPU (where injection means: jump to ISR).
About EOI
EOI is not meaningful for MSIs because lines are never shared. No devices using MSI will listen for the EOI event, and the irqchip will not signal it.
The fundamental deception on x86_64: there are no legacy interrupts (usually)
After very early boot, the PIC is switched off and legacy interrupts somewhat cease to be legacy. Instead of being handled by the PIC, legacy interrupts are handled by the IOAPIC, and all the IOAPIC does is convert them into MSIs; in other words, from the perspective of CrosVM & the guest VCPUs, after early boot, every interrupt is a MSI.
Interrupt handling irqchip specifics
Each IrqChip
can handle interrupts differently. Often these differences are because the underlying
hypervisors will have different interrupt features such as KVM's irqfds. Generally a hypervisor has
three choices for implementing an irqchip:
- Fully in kernel: all of the irqchip (LAPIC & IOAPIC) are implemented in the kernel portion of the hypervisor.
- Split: the performance critical part of the irqchip (LAPIC) is implemented in the kernel, but the IOAPIC is implemented by the VMM.
- Userspace: here, the entire irqchip is implemented in the VMM. This is generally slower and not commonly used.
Below, we describe the rough flow for interrupts in virtio devices for each of the chip types. We limit ourselves to virtio devices becauseas these are the performance critical devices in CrosVM.
Kernel mode IRQ chip (w/ irqfd support)
- Device wants service, so it signals an
object. - The
object is registered with the hypervisor, so the hypervisor immediately routes the IRQ to a LAPIC so a VCPU can be interrupted. - The LAPIC interrupts the VCPU, which jumps to the kernel's ISR (interrupt service routine).
- The ISR runs.
Legacy interrupts
These are handled similarly to MSIs, except the kernel mode IOAPIC is what initially picks up the event, rather than the LAPIC.
Split IRQ chip (w/ irqfd support)
This is the same as the kernel mode case.
Split IRQ chip (no irqfd kernel support)
- Device wants service, so it signals an
object. - The
object is attached to the IrqChip in CrosVM. An interrupt handling thread wakes up from theEvent
signal. - The IrqChip resets the
. - The IrqChip asserts the interrupt to the LAPIC in the kernel via an ioctl (or equivalent).
- The LAPIC interrupts the VCPU, which jumps to the kernel’s ISR (interrupt service routine).
- The ISR runs, and on completion sends EOI (end of interrupt). In CrosVM, this is called the resample event.
- EOI is sent.
Legacy interrupts
This introduces an additional Event
object in the interrupt path, since the IRQ pin itself is an
, and the MSI is also an Event
. These interrupts are processed twice by the IRQ handler:
once as a legacy IOAPIC event, and a second time as an MSI.
Userspace IRQ chip
This chip is not widely used in production. Contributions to fill in this section are welcome.
Architecture: Snapshotting
Snapshotting is a highly experimental feature currently under development. It is 100% not supported and only supports a very limited set of devices. This page roughly summarizes how the system works, and how device authors should think about it when writing new devices.
The snapshot & restore sequence
The data required for a snapshot is stored in several places, including guest memory, and the devices running on the host. To take an accurate snapshot, we need a point in time snapshot. Since there is no way to fetch this state atomically, we have to freeze the guest (VCPUs) and the device backends. Similarly, on restore we must freeze in the same way to prevent partially restored state from being modified.
Snapshot format
The snapshot format is not stable. Currently, the output is a directory, where most VM components are snapshotted to separate files using CBOR encoding.
When debugging snapshots, you may want to inspect the CBOR files. One tool available is
cbor-cli. You can run cargo install cbor-cli
, then use it
to view a file as JSON, e.g.
$ cbor export --format=json /tmp/crosvm-snapshot/irqchip | jq
"mp_state": [
"pit_state": {
Snapshotting a running VM
In code, this is implemented by vm_control::do_snapshot. We always freeze the VCPUs first (vm_control::VcpuSuspendGuard). This is done so that we can flush all pending interrupts to the irqchip (LAPIC) without triggering further activity from the driver (which could in turn trigger more device activity). With the VCPUs frozen, we freeze devices (vm_control::DeviceSleepGuard). From here, it's a just a matter of serializing VCPU state, guest memory, and device state.
A word about interrupts
Interrupts come in two primary flavors from the snapshotting perspective: legacy interrupts (e.g. IOAPIC interrupt lines), and MSIs.
Legacy interrupts
These are a little tricky because they are allocated as part of device creation, and device creation
happens before we snapshot or restore. To avoid actually having to snapshot or restore the
object wiring for these interrupts, we rely on the fact that as long as the VM is created
with the right shape (e.g. devices), the interrupt Event
s will be wired between the device & the
irqchip correctly. As part of restoring, we will set the routing table, which ensures that those
events map to the right GSIs in the hypervisor.
These are much simpler, because of how MSIs are implemented in CrosVM. In MsixConfig
, we save the
MSI routing information for every IRQ. At restore time, we just register these MSIs with the
hypervisor using the exact same mechanism that would be invoked on device activation (albeit
bypassing GSI allocation since we know from the saved state exactly which GSI must be used).
Flushing IRQs to the irqchip
IRQs sometimes pass through multiple host Event
s before reaching the hypervisor (or VCPU loop) for
injection. Rather than trying to snapshot the Event
state, we freeze all interrupt sources
(devices) and flush all pending interrupts into the irqchip. This way, snapshotting the irqchip
state is sufficient to capture all pending interrupts.
Two-step snapshotting
Two-step snapshotting is performed in crosvm to ensure data retention.
Problem definition:
- VMM Manager requests crosvm to suspend.
- Crosvm suspends, however host-side processes are still running.
- VMM Manager requests processes suspend.
- VMM Manager requests snapshot from crosvm.
- VMM Manager snapshots host-side processes.
- VMM Manager requests host-side processes and crosvm to resume (or stop).
The problem is that data may be lost in steps 4 & 5, because of the time between steps 2 & 3. After step 2, crosvm is suspended and host-side processes are still running, which means host-side processes may send data to crosvm but the device in crosvm has not read that data.
When the VM resumes, there are no issues, as the data gets read and processing continues normally. However, when the VM restores, that data is lost as it was not saved.
Solution is two-step snapshotting. We modify step 4 to read any data coming from the host just before snapshotting, to save that data in crosvm, and then process that data when the VM resumes.
Restoring a VM in lieu of booting
Restoring on to a running VM is not supported, and may never be. Our preferred approach is to
instead create a new VM from a snapshot. This is why vm_control::do_restore
can be invoked as part
of the VM creation process.
Implications for device authors
New devices SHOULD be compatible with the devices::Suspendable
trait, but MAY defer actual
implementation to the future. This trait's implementation defines how the device will sleep/wake,
and how its state will be saved & restored as part of snapshotting.
New virtio devices SHOULD implement the virtio device snapshot methods on
, virtio_wake
, virtio_snapshot
, and virtio_restore
Hypervisor Support
Multiple hypervisor backends are supported. See Advanced Usage for overriding the default backend.
Hypervisors added to crosvm must meet the following requirements:
- Hypervisor code must be buildable in crosvm upstream.
- Within reason, crosvm maintainers will ensure the hypervisor's code continues to build.
- Hypervisors are not required to be tested upstream.
- We can't require testing upstream because some hypervisors require specialized hardware.
- When not tested upstream, the hypervisor's maintainers are expected to test it downstream. If a change to crosvm breaks something downstream, then the hypervisor's maintainers are expected to supply the fix and can't expect a revert of the culprit change to be accepted upstream.
- Platforms: Linux
- Tested upstream: yes
KVM is crosvm's preferred hypervisor for Linux.
- Platforms: Windows
- Tested upstream: no
- Contacts:
- Platforms: Windows
- Tested upstream: no
- Contacts:
Android Specific
The hypervisors in this section are used as backends of the Android Virtualization Framework.
- Platforms: Linux, aarch64 only
- Tested upstream: no
- Contacts:,
- Platforms: Linux, aarch64 only
- Tested upstream: no
- Contacts:,,,
Contributing to crosvm
This chapter provides information for those who want to contribute to the crosvm.
- How to contribute - General guideline to contributing to crosvm, including reporting a bug, sending a patch, and updating this documentation.
- Coding Style - Coding style guide for crosvm.
- Style Guide for Platform-Specific Code - Guideline to write platform-specific code cleanly in crosvm.
How to Contribute to crosvm
How to report bugs
We use Google issue tracker. Please use the public crosvm component.
For Googlers: See go/crosvm#filing-bugs.
Contributing code
Gerrit Account
You need to set up a user account with gerrit. Once logged in, you can obtain HTTP Credentials to set up git to upload changes.
Once set up, run ./tools/cl
to install the gerrit commit message hook. This will insert a unique
"Change-Id" into all commit messages so gerrit can identify changes. Even warning messages appear,
the message hook will be installed.
Contributor License Agreement
Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.
Commit Messages
As for commit messages, we follow ChromeOS's guideline in general.
Here is an example of a good commit message:
devices: vhost: user: vmm: Add Connection type
This abstracts away the cross-platform differences:
cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")) uses a Unix
domain domain stream socket to connect to the vhost-user backend, and
cfg(windows) uses a Tube.
TEST=tools/presubmit --all
Change-Id: I47651060c2ce3a7e9f850b7ed9af8bd035f82de6
- The first line is a subject that starts with a tag that represents which components your commit
relates to. Tags are usually the name of the crate you modified such as
. If you only modified a specific component in a crate, you can specify the path to the component as a tag likedevices: vhost: user:
. If your commit modified multiple crates, specify the crate where your main change exists. The subject should be no more than 50 characters, including any tags. - The body should consist of a motivation followed by an impact/action. The body text should be wrapped to 72 characters.
lines are used to specify an associated issue number. If the issue is filed at Google's issue tracker, writeBUG=b:<bug number>
. If no issue is associated, writeBUG=None
. You can have multipleBUG
lines are used to describe how you tested your commit in a free form. You can have multipleTEST
is used to identify your change on Gerrit. It's inserted by the gerrit commit message hook as explained in the previous section. If a new commit is uploaded with the sameChange-Id
as an existing CL'sChange-Id
, gerrit will recognize the new commit as a new patchset of the existing CL.
Uploading changes
To make changes to crosvm, start your work on a new branch tracking origin/main
git checkout -b myfeature --track origin/main
After making the necessary changes, and testing them via Presubmit Checks, you can commit and upload them:
git commit
./tools/cl upload
If you need to revise your change, you can amend the existing commit and upload again:
git commit --amend
./tools/cl upload
This will create a new version of the same change in gerrit.
If the branch contains multiple commits, each one will be uploaded as a separate review, and they
will be linked in Gerrit as related changes. You may revise any commit in a branch using tools
like git rebase
and then re-upload the whole series with ./tools/cl upload
when HEAD
pointing to the tip of the branch.
Note: We don't accept any pull requests on the GitHub mirror.
Getting Reviews
All submissions needs to be reviewed by one of the crosvm owners. Use the gerrit UI to request a review and add to assign to a random owner.
If you run into issues with reviews, reach out to the team via chat or email list.
For Googlers: see go/crosvm-chat.
Any change to Cargo.lock
When adding a new crate from, additional review is required to ensure that the crate meets
the crosvm project standards. This review is provided by the members of OWNERS_COUNCIL
Unfortunately, our tooling cannot tell the difference between adding an external crate and changing
dependencies within crosvm (e.g. devices
depending on a new internal crosvm utility crate). For
those cases, a rubberstamp is still needed from OWNERS_COUNCIL
For Googlers: see go/crosvm/3p_crates.
Reviewing code (for OWNERS)
We have two major types of reviewers on the project:
- Global OWNERS: these folks are broadly responsible for the health of the crosvm project, and have expertise in multiple project subdomains. While they can technically approve any change, they will often delegate to area OWNERS when a change is outside their expertise.
- Area OWNERS: experts in a particular subdomain of the project (e.g. graphics, USB, etc). Major changes in an area SHOULD be reviewed by an area OWNER, if one exists (not all subdomains have OWNERS).
All owners are expected to review code in their areas, and to aim for the following goals in reviews:
- Reply to reviews within 1 working day. If this is infeasible (especially if overloaded), reassign to crosvm-reviews@ to pick another OWNER at random.
- Defer to the styleguide where it makes sense to do so. Update the styleguide when it does not.
- Strive to avoid reviews getting stuck in endless back & forth. If you see this happening, you can:
- Schedule a meeting to discuss it online. Consider inviting another OWNER to help brainstorm solutions.
- Bring the review discussion to the hallway chat to let the group weigh in.
- Follow generally accepted practices for good code review
- Technically: We insist on good documentation, clean APIs especially when broadly consumed, and generally keep code health in mind.
- Socially: Our goal, above all else, is to be good peers to each other. So we review code, not authors. We remember to disagree respectfully, and that a code review is a team effort (author and reviewer) against a hard technical problem.
Submitting code
Crosvm uses a Commit Queue, which will run pre-submit testing on all changes before merging them into crosvm.
Once one of the crosvm owners has voted "Code-Review+2" on your change, you can use the "Submit to CQ" button, which will trigger the test process.
Gerrit will show any test failures. Refer to Building Crosvm for information on how to run the same tests locally.
Each individual change in a patch series must build and pass the tests. If you are working on a series of related changes, ensure that each incremental commit does not cause test regressions or break the build if it is merged without the later changes in the series. For example, an intermediate change must not trigger any unused code warnings or cause test failures that are fixed by later changes in the series.
When all tests pass, your change is merged into origin/main
Contributing to the documentation
The book of crosvm is built with mdBook. Each markdown file must follow Google Markdown style guide.
To render the book locally, you need to install mdbook, which should be installed when you run
script. Or you can use the tools/dev_container
cd docs/book/
mdbook build
Output is found at docs/book/book/html/
To format markdown files, run ./tools/fmt
in the dev_container
Coding Style Guide
The following is high level guidance for producing contributions to crosvm.
- Prefer mechanism to policy.
- Use existing protocols when they are adequate, such as virtio.
- Prefer security over code re-use and speed of development.
- Only the version of Rust in use by the ChromeOS toolchain is supported. This is ordinarily the stable version of Rust, but can be behind a version for a few weeks.
- Avoid distribution specific code.
Style guidelines
Prefer single responsibility functions
Functions should have a single responsibility. This helps keep functions short and readable. We prefer this because functions with multiple responsibilities are hard to follow, often suffer from extensive indentation (very short effective line length), and are trickier to test.
When you encounter large/complex functions or are about to add complexity, consider split them into multiple functions. Useful patterns that can help with this include splitting enums into sub-enums, or broader refactoring to split unrelated responsibilities from each other.
Avoid large argument lists
When a function exceeds roughly 6 parameters, this is usually a signal that we should be creating a struct to handle the parameters. More than 6 arguments tends to make call sites unwieldy & hard to read. It could also be a hint that the function has too many responsibilities and should be split up.
Avoid extensive indentation
Sometimes indentation becomes excessive in functions and severely limits the usable line length. Even with editor support, it can be tricky to tell which code is associated with which block. Classic examples of this are function calls that pass lambdas, where the call site is nested inside multiple matches or conditionals. In these cases, try to remove indentation by creating helpers to reset the indentation level, but be thoughtful about whether this makes the situation worse by creating an onion (too many layers / an overly deep stack).
Unsafe code: minimize code under unsafe
Every line of unsafe code can cause memory safety issues. As such, we want to minimize code under
. Often times we want to have an unsafe
function because the caller must satisfy safety
conditions, but we only have one or two actual unsafe
lines in the function, along with many safe
lines. In these situations, mark the function unsafe
, but apply
This requires us to explicitly mark the unsafe
code inside as unsafe
rather than allowing any
line in the function to be unsafe.
Unsafe code: write standard safety statements
Rust tooling expects documentation for unsafe
code and functions to follow the stdlib's
guidelines. Notably, use
for unsafe
blocks, and always have a # Safety
section for unsafe
functions in
their doc comment. This helps us comply with
which will eventually be turned on.
Note that not all existing code follows this pattern. // Safe because
comments are still common in
the codebase, and should be migrated to the new pattern as they are encountered.
To format all code, crosvm defers to rustfmt
. In addition, the code adheres to the following
Each use
statement should import a single item, as produced by rustfmt
. Do not use braces to import multiple items.
The use
statements for each module should be grouped into blocks separated by whitespace in the
order produced by rustfmt
with group_imports=StdExternalCrate
and sorted alphabetically:
- third-party + crosvm crates
The import formatting options of rustfmt
are currently unstable, so these are not enforced
automatically. If a nightly Rust toolchain is present, it is possible to automatically reformat the
code to match these guidelines by running tools/fmt --nightly
crosvm uses the remain crate to keep error enums sorted, along
with the #[sorted]
attribute to keep their corresponding match statements in the same order.
Unit test code
Unit tests and other highly-specific tests (which may include some small, but not all, integration tests) should be written differently than how non-test code is written. Tests prevent regressions from being committed, show how APIs can be used, and help with understanding bugs in code. That means tests must be clear both now and in the future to a developer with low familiarity of the code under test. They should be understandable by reading from top to bottom without referencing any other code. Towards these goals, tests should:
- To a reasonable extent, be structured as Arrange-Act-Assert.
- Test the minimum number of behaviors in a single test. Make separate tests for separate behavior.
- Avoid helper methods that send critical inputs or assert outputs within the helper itself. It should be easy to read a test and determine the critical inputs/outputs without digging through helper methods. Setup common to many tests is fine to factor out, but lean toward duplicating code if it aids readability.
- Avoid branching statements like conditionals and loops (which can make debugging more difficult).
- Document the reason constants were chosen in the test, including if they were picked arbitrarily such that in the future, changing the value is okay. (This can be done with constant variable names, which is ideal if the value is used more than once, or in a comment.)
- Name tests to describe what is being tested and the expected outcome, for example
Less-specific tests, such as most integration tests and system tests, are more likely to require obfuscating work behind helper methods. It is still good to strive for clarity and ease of debugging in those tests, but they do not need to follow these guidelines.
Handling technical debt
During development, we don't always have cycles or expertise available to fix problematic patterns or overly complex code. In these situations where we find an existing problem, or are tacking on code to a problematic area, we should document the problem in a bug and add it to the Code Health hotlist. This is where maintainers look to determine what debt most needs attention. The bug should cover:
- Which style guidance is being violated.
- What the impact is (readability, easy to introduce bugs, hard to test, etc)
- Any recommendations for a fix.
Style guide for platform specific code
Code organization
The crosvm code can heavily interleave platform specific code into platform agnostic code using
#[cfg(target_os = "")]
. This is difficult to maintain as
- It reduces readability.
- Difficult to write/maintain unit tests.
- Difficult to maintain downstream, proprietary code
To address the above mentioned issue, the style guide provides a way to standardize platform specific code layout.
Consider a following example where we have platform independent code, PrintInner
, which is used by
platform specific code, WinPrinter
and UnixPrinter
to tweak the behavior according to the
underlying platform. The users of this module, sys
, get to use an aliased struct called Printer
which exports similar interfaces on both the platforms.
In this scheme
contains platform agnostic logic, structures and traits. Different
platforms, in
, implement traits defined in
. Finally
exports interfaces implemented by platform specific code.
In a more complex library, we may need another layer,
, that uses traits and structures
exported by platform specific code, linux/
and windows/
, and adds some more
common logic to it. Following example illustrates the scheme discussed above. Here,
is supposed to print a value of u32
and print the target os name.
The files that contain platform specific code only should live in a directory named sys/
those files should be conditionally imported in
file. In such a setup, the directory
structure would look like,
$ tree
├── sys
│ ├── linux
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ ├── windows
│ │ └──
│ └──
File: sys/windows/
File: sys/linux/
When conditionally importing and using modules, use
cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))
and cfg(windows)
for describing the
platform. Order imports such that common comes first followed by linux and windows dependencies.
It is OK to have a few platform specific fields inlined with cfgs. When inlining
- Ensure that all the fields of a particular platform are next to each other.
- Organize common fields first and then platform specific fields ordered by the target os name i.e. "linux" first and "windows" later.
If the structure has a large set of fields that are platform specific, it is more readable to split it into different platform specific structures and have their implementations separate. If necessary, consider defining a crate in platform independent and have the platform specific files implement parts of those traits.
When enums need to have platform specific variants
- Create a new platform specific enum and move all platform specific variants under the new enum
- Introduce a new variant, which takes a platform specific enum as member, to platform independent enum.
File: sys/linux/
File: sys/windows/
Exception: dispatch enums (trait-object like enums) should NOT be split
Dispatch enums (enums which are pretending to be trait objects) should NOT be split as shown above. This is because these enums just forward method calls verbatim and don't have any meaningful cross platform code. As such, there is no benefit to splitting the enum. Here is an acceptable example:
Inlining all platform specific error values is ok. This is an exception to the enum to keep error handling simple. Organize platform independent errors first and then platform specific errors ordered by the target os name i.e. "linux" first and "windows" later.
Code blocks and functions
If a code block or a function has little platform independent code and the bulk of the code is
platform specific then carve out platform specific code into a function. If the carved out function
does most of what the original function was doing and there is no better name for the new function
then the new function can be named by appending _impl
to the functions name.
File: sys/linux/
File: sys/windows/
With an exception to matching enums, see enum, matching for platform specific values can be
done in the wildcard patter(_
) arm of the match statement.
File: sys/linux/
File: sys/windows/
Platform specific symbols
If a platform exports symbols that are specific to the platform only and are not exported by all other platforms then those symbols should be made public through a namespace that reflects the name of the platform.
The user of the library, say mylib, now has to do something like below which makes it explicit that
the functions print_u8
and print_u16
are platform specific.
Onboarding Resources
Various links to useful resources for learning about virtual machines and the technology behind crosvm.
Chrome University by zachr (2018, 30m)
- Life of a Crostini VM (user click -> terminal opens)
- All those French daemons (Concierge, Maitred, Garcon, Sommelier)
NYULG: Crostini by zachr / reveman (2018, 50m)
- Overlaps Chrome University talk
- More details on wayland / sommelier from reveman
- More details on crostini integration of app icons, files, clipboard
- Lots of demos
Introductory Resources
OS Basics
- OSDev Wiki (A lot of articles on OS development)
- PCI Enumeration (Most of our devices are on PCI, this is how they are found)
- ACPI Source Language Tutorial
- Rust Cheat Sheet Beautiful website with idiomatic rust examples, overview of pointer- and container types
- Rust Programming Tipz (with a z, that’s how you know it’s cool!)
- Rust design patterns repo
- Organized collection of blog posts on various Rust topics
KVM Virtualization
- Low-level tutorial on how to run code via KVM
- KVM Hello World sample program (host + guest)
- KVM API docs
- Awesome Virtualization (Definitely check out the Hypervisor Development section)
Virtio (device emulation)
- Good overview of virtio architecture from IBM
- Virtio drivers overview by RedHat
- Virtio specs (so exciting, I can’t stop reading)
- Basics of devices in QEMU
VFIO (Device passthrough)
Virtualization History and Basics
- By the end of this section you should be able to answer the following questions
- What problems do VMs solve?
- What is trap-and-emulate?
- Why was the x86 instruction set not “virtualizable” with just trap-and-emulate?
- What is binary translation? Why is it required?
- What is a hypervisor? What is a VMM? What is the difference? (If any)
- What problem does paravirtualization solve?
- What is the virtualization model we use with Crostini?
- What is our hypervisor?
- What is our VMM?
- CMU slides go over motivation, why x86 instruction set wasn’t “virtualizable” and the good old trap-and-emulate
- Why Intel VMX was needed; what does it do (Link)
- What is a VMM and what does it do (Link)
- Building a super simple VMM blog article (Link)
Relevant Specs
The following sections contain reference material you may find useful when working on crosvm. Note that some of contents might be outdated.
Generally speaking, sandboxing is achieved in crosvm by isolating each virtualized devices into its own process. A process is always somewhat isolated from another by virtue of being in a different address space. Depending on the operating system, crosvm will use additional measures to sandbox the child processes of crosvm by limiting each process to just what it needs to function.
In the example diagram above, the virtio block device exists as a child process of crosvm. It has been limited to having just the FD needed to access the backing file on the host and has no ability to open new files. A similar setup exists for other devices like virtio net.
The seccomp system is used to filter the syscalls that sandboxed processes can use. The form of
seccomp used by crosvm (SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER
) allows for a BPF program to be used. To generate
the BPF programs, crosvm uses minijail's policy file format. A policy file is written for each
device per architecture. Each device requires a unique set of syscalls to accomplish their function
and each architecture has slightly different naming for similar syscalls. The ChromeOS docs have a
listing of syscalls.
The seccomp policies are compiled from .policy
source files into BPF bytecode by
and embedded in the crosvm executable, so it is not necessary to install the seccomp policy files,
only the crosvm binary itself. Be sure to remember to rebuild crosvm after changing a policy file to
observe the updated behavior.
Writing a Policy for crosvm
The detailed rules for naming policy files can be found in jail/seccomp/
Most policy files will include the common_device.policy
from a given architecture using this
directive near the top:
@include /usr/share/policy/crosvm/common_device.policy
The common device policy for x86_64
# This is an allow list of syscalls for most of crosvm devices.
# Note that some device policy files don't depend on this policy file
# because of some conflicts such as gpu_common.policy.
# If you want to modify policies for all the devices, please modify
# not only this file but also other *_common.policy files.
@frequency ./common_device.frequency
brk: 1
clock_gettime: 1
clone: arg0 & CLONE_THREAD
clone3: 1
close: 1
dup2: 1
dup: 1
epoll_create1: 1
epoll_ctl: 1
epoll_pwait: 1
epoll_wait: 1
eventfd2: 1
exit: 1
exit_group: 1
ftruncate: 1
futex: 1
getcwd: 1
getpid: 1
gettid: 1
gettimeofday: 1
io_uring_setup: 1
io_uring_register: 1
io_uring_enter: 1
kill: 1
lseek: 1
madvise: arg2 == MADV_DONTNEED || arg2 == MADV_DONTDUMP || arg2 == MADV_REMOVE || arg2 == MADV_MERGEABLE || arg2 == MADV_FREE
membarrier: 1
memfd_create: 1
mmap: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC
mprotect: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC
mremap: 1
munmap: 1
nanosleep: 1
clock_nanosleep: 1
pipe2: 1
poll: 1
ppoll: 1
read: 1
readlink: 1
readlinkat: 1
readv: 1
recvfrom: 1
recvmsg: 1
restart_syscall: 1
rseq: 1
rt_sigaction: 1
rt_sigprocmask: 1
rt_sigreturn: 1
sched_getaffinity: 1
sched_yield: 1
sendmsg: 1
sendto: 1
set_robust_list: 1
sigaltstack: 1
tgkill: arg2 == SIGABRT
write: 1
writev: 1
fcntl: 1
uname: 1
## Rules for vmm-swap
userfaultfd: 1
# 0xc018aa3f == UFFDIO_API, 0xaa00 == USERFAULTFD_IOC_NEW
ioctl: arg1 == 0xc018aa3f || arg1 == 0xaa00
The syntax is simple: one syscall per line, followed by a colon :
, followed by a boolean
expression used to constrain the arguments of the syscall. The simplest expression is 1
unconditionally allows the syscall. Only simple expressions work, often to allow or deny specific
flags. A major limitation is that checking the contents of pointers isn't possible using minijail's
policy format. If a syscall is not listed in a policy file, it is not allowed.
Memory Layout
x86-64 guest physical memory map
This is a survey of the existing memory layout for crosvm on x86-64 when booting a Linux kernel. Some of these values are different when booting a BIOS image; see the source. All addresses are in hexadecimal.
Name/source link | Address | End (exclusive) | Size | Notes |
0000 | A_0000 | 640 KiB | RAM (<1M) | |
MULTIBOOT_INFO_OFFSET | 6000 | 7000 | 4 KiB | Multiboot info structure |
ZERO_PAGE_OFFSET | 7000 | Linux boot_params structure | ||
BOOT_STACK_POINTER | 8000 | Boot SP value | ||
boot_pml4_addr | 9000 | A000 | 4 KiB | Boot page table |
boot_pdpte_addr | A000 | B000 | 4 KiB | Boot page table |
boot_pde_addr | B000 | F000 | 16 KiB | Boot page tables |
CMDLINE_OFFSET | 2_0000 | 2_0800 | 2 KiB | Linux kernel command line |
SETUP_DATA_START | 2_0800 | 9_FC00 | 509 KiB | Linux kernel setup_data linked list |
MPTABLE_START | 9_FC00 | A_0000 | 1 KiB | MultiProcessor Specification Configuration Table |
ACPI_HI_RSDP_WINDOW_BASE | E_0000 | ACPI tables | ||
mem_1m_to_4g | 10_0000 | D000_0000 | ~3.24 GiB | RAM (<4G) |
KERNEL_START_OFFSET | 20_0000 | Linux kernel image load address | ||
initrd_start | after kernel | Initial RAM disk for Linux kernel (optional) | ||
PROTECTED_VM_FW_START | 7FC0_0000 | 8000_0000 | 4 MiB | pVM firmware (if running a protected VM) |
pci_mmio_before_32bit | D000_0000 | F400_0000 | 576 MiB | Low (<4G) MMIO allocation area |
PCIE_CFG_MMIO_START | F400_0000 | F800_0000 | 64 MiB | PCIe enhanced config (ECAM) |
RESERVED_MEM_SIZE | F800_0000 | 1_0000_0000 | 128 MiB | LAPIC/IOAPIC/HPET/… |
IDENTITY_MAP_ADDR | FEFF_C000 | Identity map segment | ||
TSS_ADDR | FEFF_D000 | Boot task state segment | ||
1_0000_0000 | RAM (>4G) | |||
(end of RAM) | High (>4G) MMIO allocation area |
aarch64 guest physical memory map
All addresses are IPA in hexadecimal.
Common layout
These apply for all boot modes.
Name/source link | Address | End (exclusive) | Size | Notes |
SERIAL_ADDR[3] | 2e8 | 2f0 | 8 bytes | Serial port MMIO |
SERIAL_ADDR[1] | 2f8 | 300 | 8 bytes | Serial port MMIO |
SERIAL_ADDR[2] | 3e8 | 3f0 | 8 bytes | Serial port MMIO |
SERIAL_ADDR[0] | 3f8 | 400 | 8 bytes | Serial port MMIO |
AARCH64_RTC_ADDR | 2000 | 3000 | 4 KiB | Real-time clock |
AARCH64_VMWDT_ADDR | 3000 | 4000 | 4 KiB | Watchdog device |
AARCH64_PCI_CAM_BASE_DEFAULT | 1_0000 | 101_0000 | 16 MiB | PCI configuration (CAM) |
AARCH64_VIRTFREQ_BASE | 104_0000 | 105_0000 | 64 KiB | Virtual cpufreq device |
AARCH64_PVTIME_IPA_START | 1ff_0000 | 200_0000 | 64 KiB | Paravirtualized time |
AARCH64_PCI_MEM_BASE_DEFAULT | 200_0000 | 400_0000 | 32 MiB | Low MMIO allocation area |
AARCH64_GIC_CPUI_BASE | 3ffd_0000 | 3fff_0000 | 128 KiB | vGIC |
AARCH64_GIC_DIST_BASE | 3fff_0000 | 4000_0000 | 64 KiB | vGIC |
AARCH64_PROTECTED_VM_FW_START | 7fc0_0000 | 8000_0000 | 4 MiB | pVM firmware (if running a protected VM) |
AARCH64_PHYS_MEM_START | 8000_0000 | --mem size | RAM (starts at IPA = 2 GiB) | |
plat_mmio_base | after RAM | +0x800000 | 8 MiB | Platform device MMIO region |
high_mmio_base | after plat_mmio | max phys addr | High MMIO allocation area |
RAM Layout
The RAM layout depends on the --fdt-position
setting, which defaults to
when load using --bios
and to end
when using --kernel
In --kernel
mode, the initrd is always loaded immediately after the kernel,
with a 16 MiB alignment.
Name/source link | Address | End (exclusive) | Size | Notes |
fdt_address | 8000_0000 | 8020_0000 | 2 MiB | Flattened device tree in RAM |
payload_address | 8020_0000 | Kernel/BIOS load location in RAM |
Name/source link | Address | End (exclusive) | Size | Notes |
payload_address | 8000_0000 | Kernel/BIOS load location in RAM | ||
fdt_address | after payload (2 MiB alignment) | 2 MiB | Flattened device tree in RAM |
Name/source link | Address | End (exclusive) | Size | Notes |
payload_address | 8000_0000 | Kernel/BIOS load location in RAM | ||
fdt_address | before end of RAM (2 MiB alignment) | 2 MiB | Flattened device tree in RAM |
On Linux hosts, crosvm uses minijail to sandbox the child devices. The minijail C library is utilized via a Rust wrapper so as not to repeat the intricate sequence of syscalls used to make a secure isolated child process.
The exact configuration of the sandbox varies by device, but they are mostly alike. See
from jail/src/
. The set of security constraints explicitly used
in crosvm are:
- PID Namespace
- Runs as init
- Deny setgroups
- Optional limit the capabilities mask to
- User namespace
- Optional uid/gid mapping
- Mount namespace
- Optional pivot into a new root
- Network namespace
- seccomp with optional log failure mode
- Limit to number of file descriptors
Rutabaga Virtual Graphics Interface
The Rutabaga Virtual Graphics Interface (VGI) is a cross-platform abstraction for GPU and display virtualization. The virtio-gpu context type feature is used to dispatch commands between various Rust, C++, and C implementations. The diagram below does not exhaustively depict all available context types.
Rust API
Although hosted in the crosvm repository, the Rutabaga VGI is designed to be portable across VMM implementations. The Rust API is available on
Rutabaga C API
The following documentation shows how to build Rutabaga's C API with gfxstream enabled, which is the common use case.
Build dependencies
sudo apt install libdrm libglm-dev libstb-dev
Install libaemu
git clone
cd aemu/
git checkout v0.1.2-aemu-release
cmake --build build -j
sudo cmake --install build
Install gfxstream host
git clone
cd gfxstream/
meson setup host-build/
meson install -C host-build/
Install FFI bindings to Rutabaga
cd $(crosvm_dir)/rutabaga_gfx/ffi/
meson setup rutabaga-ffi-build/
meson install -C rutabaga-ffi-build/
Install virglrenderer host
Rutabaga's C API can also be built with virglrenderer enabled. To use virglrenderer feature first install virglrenderer on the host.
git clone
cd virglrenderer/
git checkout virglrenderer-1.0.1
meson setup build/
meson install -C build/
Latest releases for potential packaging
Kumquat Media Server
The Kumquat Media server provides a way to test virtio multi-media protocols without a virtual
machine. The following example shows how to run GL and Vulkan apps with virtio-gpu
. Full windowing will only work on platforms that support dma_buf
Only headless apps are likely to work on Nvidia, and requires this change.
Build GPU-enabled server
First install libaemu and the gfxstream-host, then:
cd $(crosvm_dir)/rutabaga_gfx/kumquat/server/
cargo build --features=gfxstream
Build and install client library
cd $(crosvm_dir)/rutabaga_gfx/kumquat/gpu_client/
meson setup client-build
ninja -C client-build/ install
Build gfxstream guest
Mesa provides gfxstream vulkan guest libraries.
git clone
cd mesa
meson setup guest-build/ -Dvulkan-drivers="gfxstream" -Dgallium-drivers="" -Dopengl=false
ninja -C guest-build/
Run apps
In one terminal:
cd $(crosvm_dir)/rutabaga_gfx/kumquat/server/
In another terminal, run:
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=$(mesa_dir)/guest-build/src/gfxstream/guest/vulkan/gfxstream_vk_devenv_icd.x86_64.json
Linux guests
To test gfxstream with Debian guests, make sure your display environment is headless.
systemctl set-default
Build gfxstream guest as previously and start the compositor. The VIRTGPU_KUMQUAT
variable is no
longer needed:
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=$(mesa_dir)/guest-build/src/gfxstream/guest/vulkan/gfxstream_vk_devenv_icd.x86_64.json
weston --backend=drm
Contributing to gfxstream
To contribute to gfxstream without an Android tree:
git clone
cd gfxstream/
git commit -a -m blah
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/main
The AOSP Gerrit instance will ask for an identity. Follow the instructions, a Google account is needed.
Magma is an effort to standardize GPU system call interfaces, in a way that is optimized for remoting and microkernels. This takes direct inspiration from the Fuchsia Magma interface: in that design, the library interface and protocol are OS-agnostic. An OS-specific virtgpu implementation handles paravirtualization.
Follow along with Mesa MR to see if it works or we fall flat on our face.
Package Documentation
The package documentation generated by cargo doc
is available