
Crosvm contains several fuzz testing programs that are intended to exercise specific subsets of the code with automatically generated inputs to help uncover bugs that were not found by human-written unit tests.

The source code for the fuzzer target programs can be found in fuzz/fuzz_targets in the crosvm source tree.


Crosvm makes use of the OSS-Fuzz service, which automatically builds and runs fuzzers for many open source projects. Once a crosvm change is committed and pushed to the main branch, it will be tested automatically by ClusterFuzz, and if new issues are found, a bug will be filed.

Running fuzzers locally

It can be useful to run a fuzzer in order to test new changes locally or to reproduce a bug filed by ClusterFuzz.

To build and run a specific fuzz target, install cargo fuzz, then run it in the crosvm source tree, specifying the desired fuzz target to run. If you have a testcase provided by the automated fuzzing infrastructure in a bug report, you can add that file to the fuzzer command line to reproduce the same fuzzer execution rather than using randomly generating inputs.

# Run virtqueue_fuzzer with randomly-generated input. # This will run indefinitely; it can be stopped with Ctrl+C. cargo +nightly fuzz run virtqueue_fuzzer # Run virtqueue_fuzzer with a specific input file from ClusterFuzz. cargo +nightly fuzz run virtqueue_fuzzer clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-...