Vsock device

crosvm supports virtio-vsock device for communication between the host and a guest VM.

Assign a context id to a guest VM by passing it with the --vsock flag.


crosvm run \
  --vsock "${GUEST_CID}" \
  <usual crosvm arguments>

Then, the guest and the host can communicate with each other via vsock. Host always has 2 as its context id.

crosvm assumes that the host has a vsock device at /dev/vhost-vsock. If you want to use a device at a different path or one given as an fd, you can use --vhost-vsock-device flag or --vhost-vsock-fd flag respectively.

Example usage

This example assumes ncat is installed. If you are using a VM image created using virt-builder, it needs to come pre-installed with ncat. This can be achieved by running the following command:

    # Build a simple ubuntu image and create a user with no password.
    virt-builder ubuntu-20.04 \
        --run-command "useradd -m -g sudo -p '' $USER ; chage -d 0 $USER" \
        -o ./rootfs \
        --install ncat

At host shell:


# Listen at host
ncat -l --vsock ${PORT}

At guest shell:


# Make a connection to the host
ncat --vsock ${HOST_CID} ${PORT}

If a vsock device is configured properly in the guest VM, a connection between the host and the guest can be established and packets can be sent from both side. In the above example, your inputs to a shell on one's side should be shown at the shell on the other side if a connection is successfully established.