%%{init: {'theme':'base'}}%% graph BT subgraph guest subgraph guest_kernel virtio_blk_driver virtio_net_driver end end subgraph crosvm Process vcpu0:::vcpu vcpu1:::vcpu subgraph device_proc0[Device Process] virtio_blk --- virtio_blk_driver disk_fd[(Disk FD)] end subgraph device_proc1[Device Process] virtio_net --- virtio_net_driver tapfd{{TAP FD}} end end subgraph kernel[Host Kernel] KVM --- vcpu1 & vcpu0 end style KVM fill:#4285f4 classDef vcpu fill:#7890cd classDef system fill:#fff,stroke:#777; class crosvm,guest,kernel system; style guest_kernel fill:#d23369,stroke:#777
Generally speaking, sandboxing is achieved in crosvm by isolating each virtualized devices into its own process. A process is always somewhat isolated from another by virtue of being in a different address space. Depending on the operating system, crosvm will use additional measures to sandbox the child processes of crosvm by limiting each process to just what it needs to function.
In the example diagram above, the virtio block device exists as a child process of crosvm. It has been limited to having just the FD needed to access the backing file on the host and has no ability to open new files. A similar setup exists for other devices like virtio net.