Module base::syslog

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Facilities for sending log message to syslog.

Every function exported by this module is thread-safe. Each function will silently fail until syslog::init() is called and returns Ok.

This implements and sets logger up for logging facade exposed by the log crate.


use log::{error, warn};
use base::syslog;

if let Err(e) = syslog::init() {
    println!("failed to initiailize syslog: {}", e);
warn!("this is your {} warning", "final");
error!("something went horribly wrong: {}", "out of RAMs");
use log::{error, warn};
use base::syslog::{init_with, LogConfig, fmt};
use std::io::Write;

let mut cfg = LogConfig::default();
cfg.log_args.stderr = true;
cfg.log_args.filter = String::from("info,base=debug,base::syslog=error,serial_console=false");

error!("something went horribly wrong: {}", "out of RAMs");


  • pub use env_logger;


  • Formatting for log records.


  • Logs a message at the debug level.
  • Logs a message at the error level.
  • Logs a message at the info level.
  • The standard logging macro.
  • Determines if a message logged at the specified level in that module will be logged.
  • Logs a message at the trace level.
  • Logs a message at the warn level.



  • Errors returned by syslog::init().
  • The facility of a syslog message.
  • An enum representing the available verbosity levels of the logger.
  • An enum representing the available verbosity level filters of the logger.
  • The priority (i.e. severity) of a syslog message.




  • A trait encapsulating the operations required of a logger.
  • Syslog 🔒


  • Performs early (as in, moment of process start) logging initialization. Any logging prior to this call will be SILENTLY discarded. Calling more than once per process will panic.
  • Initialize the syslog connection and internal variables.
  • Initialize the syslog connection and internal variables.
  • Returns a reference to the logger.
  • Returns the current maximum log level.
  • Retrieves the file descriptors owned by the global syslogger.
  • Sets the global logger to a Box<Log>.
  • Sets the global logger to a &'static Log.
  • A thread-unsafe version of set_logger.
  • Sets the global maximum log level.
  • Test only function that ensures logging has been configured. Since tests share module state, we need a way to make sure it has been initialized with some configuration.