Crate bit_field

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This crate provides a #[bitfield] attribute macro for defining structs in a packed binary representation that supports access to ranges of bits.

We conceptualize one of these structs as a sequence of bits 0..N. The bits are grouped into fields in the order specified by a struct written by the caller. The #[bitfield] attribute rewrites the caller’s struct into a private byte array representation with public getter and setter methods for each field.

Byte order: note that we consider the bit i to be the i % 8’th least significant bit in the i / 8’th byte of the struct.

The total number of bits N is required to be a multiple of 8 (this is checked at compile time).


The following invocation builds a struct with a total size of 32 bits or 4 bytes. It places field a in the least significant bit of the first byte, field b in the next three least significant bits, field c in the remaining four most significant bits of the first byte, and field d spanning the next three bytes. The least significant byte of d will be held in the second byte of our struct, adjacent to the byte holding the first three fields.

use bit_field::*;

pub struct MyFourBytes {
    a: B1,
    b: B3,
    c: B4,
    d: B24,
                                            less significant
                                           /             more significant
                                          /             /
     (first byte)      (second byte)     /   (third)   /   (fourth byte)
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    |  \ /   \_ _/     \_______________________ _______________________/
    a   b      c        less significant       d       more significant

The code emitted by the #[bitfield] macro for this struct is as follows. Note that the field getters and setters use whichever of u8, u16, u32, u64 is the smallest while being at least as large as the number of bits in the field.

impl MyFourBytes {
    // Initializes all fields to 0.
    pub fn new() -> Self;

    // Field getters and setters:
    pub fn get_a(&self) -> u8;
    pub fn set_a(&mut self, val: u8);
    pub fn get_b(&self) -> u8;
    pub fn set_b(&mut self, val: u8);
    pub fn get_c(&self) -> u8;
    pub fn set_c(&mut self, val: u8);
    pub fn get_d(&self) -> u32;
    pub fn set_d(&mut self, val: u32);

    // Bit-level accessors:
    pub fn get_bit(&self, offset: usize) -> bool;
    pub fn set_bit(&mut self, offset: usize, val: bool);
    pub fn get(&self, offset: usize, width: u8) -> u64;
    pub fn set(&mut self, offset: usize, width: u8, val: u64);

§Bit field specifier types

Field types may be specified as B1 through B64, or alternatively as BitField1 through BitField64 in code that benefits from the clarification.

Fields may also be specified as bool, which is laid out equivalently to B1 but with accessors that use bool rather than u8.

use bit_field::*;

pub struct MyFourBytes {
    a: bool,
    b: B3,
    c: B4,
    d: B24,

Fields may be user-defined single element tuple struct with primitive types. Use must specify the width with #[bits = N]. This should be used to improve type safety.

use bit_field::*;

#[bits = 60]
struct AddressField(u64);

impl AddressField {
    pub fn new(addr: u64) -> AddressField {
        AddressField(addr >> 4)

    pub fn get_addr(&self) -> u64 {
        self.0 << 4

Finally, fields may be of user-defined enum types. The enum must satisfy one of the following requirements.

The enum has #[bits = N] attributes with it. N will be the width of the field. The getter function of this enum field will return Result<EnumType, u64>. Raw value that does not match any variant will result in an Err(u64).

use bit_field::*;

#[bits = 2]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum TwoBits {
    Zero = 0b00,
    One = 0b01,
    Three = 0b11,

struct Struct {
    prefix: BitField1,
    two_bits: TwoBits,
    suffix: BitField5,

The enum has a number of variants which is a power of 2 and the discriminant values (explicit or implicit) are 0 through (2^n)-1. In this case the generated getter and setter are defined in terms of the given enum type.

use bit_field::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum TwoBits {
    Zero = 0b00,
    One = 0b01,
    Two = 0b10,
    Three = 0b11,

struct Struct {
    prefix: BitField1,
    two_bits: TwoBits,
    suffix: BitField5,

An optional #[bits = N] attribute may be used to document the number of bits in any field. This is intended for fields of enum type whose name does not clearly indicate the number of bits. The attribute is optional but helps make it possible to read off the field sizes directly from the definition of a bitfield struct.

use bit_field::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum WhoKnows {
    Zero = 0b00,
    One = 0b01,
    Two = 0b10,
    Three = 0b11,

struct Struct {
    prefix: BitField1,
    #[bits = 2]
    two_bits: WhoKnows,
    suffix: BitField5,


Derives may be specified and are applied to the data structure post rewriting by the macro.

use bit_field::*;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ExampleWithDerives {
    car: B4,
    cdr: B4,

§Compile time checks

If the total size is not a multiple of 8 bits, you will receive an error message at compile time mentioning:

the trait bit_field::checks::TotalSizeIsMultipleOfEightBits is not implemented

use bit_field::*;

pub struct Broken {
    field_a: B1,
    field_b: B3,
    field_c: B6,

If a bitfield enum has discriminants that are outside the range 0 through (2^n)-1, it will be caught at compile time.

use bit_field::*;

enum Broken {
    Zero = 0b00,
    One = 0b01,
    Two = 0b10,
    Nine = 0b1001, // error

If the value provided in a #[bits = N] attribute does not match the real number of bits in that field, it will be caught.

use bit_field::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum OneBit {
    No = 0,
    Yes = 1,

struct Struct {
    #[bits = 4] // error
    two_bits: OneBit,
    padding: BitField7,




Attribute Macros§

  • The function that derives the actual implementation.