Module devices::virtio::video

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This module implements the virtio video encoder and decoder devices. The current implementation uses v3 RFC of the virtio-video protocol.


  • command 🔒
    Data structures for commands of virtio video devices.
  • control 🔒
    Implementation of data structures for virtio-video controls.
  • Implementation of a virtio video decoder backed by a device.
  • Definition of the trait Device that each backend video device must implement.
  • encoder 🔒
    Implementation of the the Encoder struct, which is responsible for translation between the virtio protocols and LibVDA APIs.
  • error 🔒
    Errors that can happen while encoding or decoding.
  • event 🔒
    Events can happen in virtio video devices.
  • ffmpeg 🔒
  • Data structures that represent video format information in virtio video devices.
  • macros 🔒
    Macros that helps virtio video implementation.
  • params 🔒
    Parameters for streams in virtio video devices.
  • protocol 🔒
    This file was generated by the following commands and modified manually.
  • Resource management and resolution for the virtio-video device.
  • response 🔒
    Data structures for commands of virtio video devices.
  • utils 🔒
  • vda 🔒
    Utility features shared by both the decoder and encoder VDA backends.
  • Worker that runs in a virtio-video thread.



  • An error indicating something went wrong in virtio-video’s worker.



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